Solving the mystery of how and why fireflies flash in time can illuminate the physics of complex systems by Orit Peleg + BIO.
SpaceX CEO Musk did not elaborate on what toilet “challenges” the crew of the Inspiration4 mission faced or how exactly the toilet would be upgraded.
What if you could become invisible to mosquitoes?
Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Subscribe for coverage of U.S. and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.
Internet on Mars!!
Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’ is currently providing services in parts of the US and Canada and has plans to enter India by the end of 2021. Tech mogul Elon Musk, via his recent tweet, revealed that his satellite broadband company ‘Starlink’ will extend its services to Mars. Musk informed about this idea while replying to a user’s tweet last week, as per reports by The Science Times. Currently, the broadband internet provider is undergoing public beta testing in parts of the US and Canada.
Starlink will strengthen Starship’s communication Musk’s idea came to light when a user asked if Starlink will be deployed between Earth and Mars to strengthen communication for Starship is SpaceX’s ambitious project that is being touted as the vehicle that will ferry cargo and crew to the red planet and back in the coming years. In response to the user’s tweet, Musk amplified the excitement with one word, “yeah”.
This weapon is one of the finest. It is advanced and is feared by many tank commanders around the world.
Here’s What You Need to Remember: The Javelin doesn’t look as sleek and deadly as its name would have you think—it resembles a clunky dumbbell slightly over one meter in length. Fortunately, you don’t need good looks to blow up a tank.
Circa 2016
Researchers report major progress in creating a first-of-its-kind implantable artificial kidney that uses microchip filters and live cells and takes power from the patient’s heart.
Of India’s 10 SaaS unicorns, six reached that milestone in 2,020 and investors around the world are paying attention. Last year, investors pumped $1.5 billion into Indian SaaS companies, four times more than in 2018 or 2,019 according to the SaaSBoomi report.
More than two decades ago, India began its transformation into a global IT powerhouse, ushering in an era of wealth and job creation never before seen in the country.
Now, Asia’s third largest economy is ready for the next big frontier in tech: Coming up with a new generation of software companies like Zoom or Slack.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced business around the world to make huge investments in digital infrastructure, furthering the influence of companies providing software-as-a-service, or SaaS. Businesses spent an extra $15 billion per week last year on tech as they scrambled to create safe remote working environments, according to a KPMG survey.

Of India’s 10 SaaS unicorns, six reached that milestone in 2,020 and investors around the world are paying attention. Last year, investors pumped $1.5 billion into Indian SaaS companies, four times more than in 2018 or 2,019 according to the SaaSBoomi report.
More than two decades ago, India began its transformation into a global IT powerhouse, ushering in an era of wealth and job creation never before seen in the country.
Now, Asia’s third largest economy is ready for the next big frontier in tech: Coming up with a new generation of software companies like Zoom or Slack.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced business around the world to make huge investments in digital infrastructure, furthering the influence of companies providing software-as-a-service, or SaaS. Businesses spent an extra $15 billion per week last year on tech as they scrambled to create safe remote working environments, according to a KPMG survey. trillion” | >