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Oct 9, 2020

Astronomers produce largest 3D catalog of galaxies

Posted by in categories: computing, space

A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Institute for Astronomy (IfA) has produced the world’s largest three-dimensional astronomical imaging catalog of stars, galaxies and quasars. The team used data from UH’s Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System or Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) on Haleakalā. The PS1 3π survey is the world’s largest deep multi-color optical survey, spanning three-quarters of the sky. IfA astronomers applied novel computational tools to the catalog, to decipher which of the 3 billion objects are stars, galaxies or quasars. For the galaxies, the software also derived estimates of their distances.

The resulting 3D catalog is now available as a high-level science product through the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. It is approximately 300 GB in size, and science users can query the catalog through the MAST CasJobs SQL interface, or download the entire collection as a computer-readable table.

Oct 9, 2020

Flag of Mars: Elon Musk proposes incredible Falcon 9 photo for SpaceX city

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

What would the flag of Mars look like? SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has an idea.

Oct 9, 2020

Inhibiting Epileptic Activity in the Brain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Summary: Boosting levels of the DUSP4 protein could be a novel way of preventing and treating epilepsy.

Source: University of Illinois

Epileptic seizures often originate in small, localized areas of the brain where neurons abnormally fire in unison. These electrical impulses disrupt proper brain functioning and cause seizures. But what makes regions where seizures start different from parts of the brain where electrical impulses remain normal? More importantly, what prevents these epileptic centers from growing?

Oct 9, 2020

This Analyst Thinks Tesla Stock Is Headed to $578

Posted by in categories: business, energy, sustainability, transportation

The electric-car maker could benefit from improving profitability on vehicle sales and huge growth in its nascent energy business.

Oct 9, 2020

FBI ‘Drive-By’ Hacking Threat Just Got Real: Here’s Why You Should Be Concerned

Posted by in categories: electronics, health

This latest IoT security warning is hard to believe…

Warnings that our IoT devices might be spying on us are nothing new—remember the smart speaker fiasco last year? But at least we expect those devices to be listening and can exercise some caution. The latest such warning, though, takes these risks to a new level. It turns out that there may be surprising little spies hiding in our living rooms.

Last December, the FBI warned that the perilous state of IoT security means that “hackers can use an innocent device to do a virtual drive-by of your digital life.” A week earlier, that same FBI office had cautioned on the danger that smart TVs can allow “manufacturers, streaming services, and even hackers an open door into your home.”

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Oct 9, 2020

World’s fastest UV camera records flying photons in real time

Posted by in categories: electronics, particle physics

As tiny particles traveling at the speed of light, it’s going to take a serious machine to capture photons in action, and an international team of researchers have just pieced together one that is very much up for the job. Dubbed the world’s fastest UV camera, the device is capable of capturing ultra-fast events lasting just a picosecond, quick enough to see UV photons fly through the air in real time.

The device is the handiwork of Canada’s Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Institute of Research) and goes by the name of UV-CUP (compressed ultrafast photography). CUP is an emerging imaging technique that has been used to capture ultrafast events at speeds measured in trillions of frames a second, but has so far been limited to visible and near-infrared wavelengths.

“Many phenomena that occur on very short time scales also take place on a very small spatial scale,” says Jinyang Liang, who led the study. “To see them, you need to sense shorter wavelengths. Doing this in the UV or even X-ray ranges is a remarkable step toward this goal.”

Oct 9, 2020

Ancient asteroid Bennu contains ingredients for life

Posted by in category: space

Revelations from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe are building excitement for its sampling expedition, slated to happen in the coming weeks.

Oct 9, 2020

Bringing the promise of quantum computing to nuclear physics

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, particle physics, quantum physics

Quantum mechanics, the physics of atoms and subatomic particles, can be strange, especially compared to the everyday physics of Isaac Newton’s falling apples. But this unusual science is enabling researchers to develop new ideas and tools, including quantum computers, that can help demystify the quantum realm and solve complex everyday problems.

That’s the goal behind a new U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) grant, awarded to Michigan State University (MSU) researchers, led by physicists at Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). Working with Los Alamos National Laboratory, the team is developing algorithms – essentially programming instructions – for quantum computers to help these machines address problems that are difficult for conventional computers. For example, problems like explaining the fundamental quantum science that keeps an atomic nucleus from falling apart.

The $750,000 award, provided by the Office of Nuclear Physics within DOE-SC, is the latest in a growing list of grants supporting MSU researchers developing new quantum theories and technology.

Oct 9, 2020

SpaceX’s Starman and Elon Musk’s Tesla just made their 1st Mars flyby

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel, sustainability

Starman got less than 5 million miles from the Red Planet.

The spacesuit-clad mannequin Starman and his Tesla Roadster just drove by Mars for the first time.

Oct 9, 2020

View: Artificial Intelligence for inclusive growth

Posted by in categories: economics, robotics/AI

The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) shouldn’t be restricted to companies, however, economies have additionally turned they give attention to build up their AI capabilities as a way to enhance growth. Developed economies just like the US, China, and EU nations are already within the race.