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Mar 3, 2021

Kernel the most powerful neural interface in the world

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, media & arts, neuroscience, singularity, transhumanism

Flux is unmatched in the quality, speed and quantity of neural activity that can record non-invasively and in real time.
So far, all types of data that could be acquired directly from the human brain had serious limitations. To get the best hemodynamic or electric data, for example, the person and their brain needed to be almost perfectly immovable, usually by confinement in noisy and claustrophobic environments. And if the person was able to move freely and, of course, data quality quickly dropped until it was pointless.
With the Flux, you will be able to:
Step into a natural environment, put a helmet on your head and observe the real-time brain activity at the top speed your neurons are shooting;
Talk, gesture and move naturally;
Participate in a video conference, daydream, listen to music or read a book;
Access your brain activity from the most electrophysiological sensor channels from all regions of the cortex.
These capabilities open up new stimulating opportunities for understanding how and why the brain functions.
In October 2020, Flow was announced, a full-coverage TD-FNIRS system, which is the first high-quality scalable brain imaging system of its kind and analyses the hemodynamic signs generated by the use of oxygen in the brain, a good proxy for neural activity Together, Flow and Flux capture two signs of the highest quality and most significant one can capture on the brain in a non-invasive way: blood oxygenation and direct neural activity. There are advantages and disadvantages to what each of these technologies reveals about the mysteries of the brain — together, however, Kernel Flux and Flow combine into the richest neural data sets in history, collected at a record speed.
A new era is here. One where we will be reintroduced ourselves and each other in unique ways. With powers to advance to a new border.

#transhumanismo #singularity #singularidade #BCI #kernel

Mar 3, 2021

We first need to understand how the brain works if we want true AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

“We’ll never have true AI without first understanding the brain”

Neuroscientist and tech entrepreneur Jeff Hawkins claims he knows how intelligence works and he wants every AI lab in the world to read his book.

Mar 3, 2021

100% Renewable Energy Could Power The World by 2030, Experts Say

Posted by in categories: energy, sustainability, transportation

Experts say the potential for rapid transformation of the world’s energy system has a parallel in the speed with which cars replaced horses in the 1900s.

Mar 3, 2021

Are We Facing the Next, Very Rapid Stage of Evolution, via AI?

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity

No, the Singularity won’t happen. The Second Law of Thermodynamics eviscerates any technology we might invent.

Mar 3, 2021

Meet Bio-Hybrid, The Bicycle-Car Crossover

Posted by in category: transportation

A bicycle-car hybrid. 😃

Meet the Bio-Hybrid, a bicycle and car hybrid that offers the freedom and agility of a bike, but the cargo space and weather protection of a small car…

Mar 3, 2021

Paper Made Out of Grass

Posted by in category: sustainability

Paper made from grass and weeds. Make those lawns useful. 😃

Write off paper made from trees for good! This super sustainable alternative grows like a weed.

Mar 3, 2021

Fallen Leaves Recycled Into Paper

Posted by in category: futurism

Another way to use fallen leaves. Turn them to paper as well… 😃

This student invented a way to turn fallen leaves headed for the landfill into paper!

Mar 3, 2021

Quantum Computing Makes Inroads Towards Pharma

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, supercomputing

Pharma giants and computing titans increasingly partnering on quantum computing.

Theoretically, quantum computers can prove more powerful than any supercomputer. And recent moves from computer giants such as Google and pharmaceutical titans such as Roche now suggest drug discovery might prove to be quantum computing’s first killer app.

Mar 3, 2021

Starship | SN10 | High-Altitude Flight Test

Posted by in categories: computing, space travel

Billy Bob Joe.

· 1t5Smepondsormeddh · Brownsville, TX ·

Continue reading “Starship | SN10 | High-Altitude Flight Test” »

Mar 3, 2021

New skills of graphene: Tunable lattice vibrations

Posted by in categories: computing, mobile phones

Ranjan KC

| Phononic crystals as a nanomechanical computing platform.

Without electronics and photonics, there would be no computers, smartphones, sensors, or information and communication technologies. In the coming years, the new field of phononics may further expand these options. That field is concerned with understanding and controlling lattice vibrations (phonons) in solids. In order to realize phononic devices, however, lattice vibrations have to be controlled as precisely as commonly realized in the case of electrons or photons.