Share disposal comes as the billionaire chief executive exercises a large number of stock options.
Inventors from more than 40 countries are in Qatar for the week-long Challenge and Innovation Forum on technology.
Super computers, cloud technology and robots are among the innovations on display.
Al Jazeera’s Victoria Gatenby reports from Doha.
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Rolls-Royce will move ahead with a multibillion pound plan to roll out a new breed of mini nuclear reactors after securing more than £450m from the government and investors.
The engineering firm will set up a venture focused on developing small modular nuclear reactors, or SMRs, in partnership with investors BNF Resources and the US generator Exelon Generation with a joint investment of £195m to fund the plans over the next three years.
Thursday, November 18th at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.
(10:00 PM UTC) for our virtual service with Bill Faloon with his presentat… See more.
Apple EV expected 2025.
It’s all but confirmed now: Apple is working on its very own electric vehicle, no matter what the company says, and the debut is expected to take place in 2025 at the earliest.
GGwynne Shotwell: Meet the Woman Behind SpaceX: There’s a proverb that says behind every great man is a great woman. That is certainly true of SpaceX. Elon Musk may be the most recognizable face of his aerospace company. But his right-hand woman is Gwynne Shotwell.
Shotwell is the President and Chief Operating Officer of SpaceX. She manages the day-to-day operations and the growth of the firm. In other words – she’s in charge of selling rockets and dealing with Elon Musk.
Unlike a lot of other SpaceX employees who grew up fascinated by rockets, she wasn’t. When she was five and her neurosurgeon father gathered the family around a TV to watch the Apollo 11 moon landing, she found it boring.
Of the cosmos’ four fundamental forces, gravity is the one that grasps us even before we exit the womb. From our first few minutes of life until we lose the fight to lift our heads from death’s pillow, this weakest of nature’s fundamental forces continues to elude researchers.
In the last few years, however, gravitational wave astronomy has made great strides in detecting gravitational radiation rippling through spacetime at the speed of light.
Einstein first predicted that any accelerating mass should emit gravitational radiation in the form of waves. Gravitational waves were first indirectly detected almost 20 years ago. But it was only recently, in 2,015 that the ground-based LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) detected waves from two merging stellar mass black holes over a billion light years distant in the general direction of the Southern Hemisphere’s Magellanic Clouds.
With 145,000 panels.
The world’s largest floating solar farm has now begun operations at the Sirindhorn Dam on the Lam Dom Noi River in Thailand. The dam has a capacity of generating 45MW of power using its solar panels, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) confirmed in a press release.
The news comes after the country started advancing its carbon neutrality goals by 15 years. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference being held in Glasgow, UK, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha pledged that his country would attain carbon neutrality by 2,050 much ahead of the earlier set target date of 2,065 local media reported. The announcement is a major move considering that two-thirds of Thailand’s current power generation is sourced from natural gas.
Cryogenically frozen dead people are held preserved in a clinic at Scottsdale, Arizona in the hope that maybe someday science would be advanced enough to bring them back to life. This unique cryonics clinic is run by Alcor Life Extension Foundation, and surprisingly, many people, including some famous personalities like PayPal co-founder Peter Theil, are actually spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to have their bodies preserved here after death.
The idea of waking up in the future sounds like a great plot for a sci-fi movie or a novel but through cryonics 0 organizations like Alcor are trying to do the same in reality. Max Moore, a futurist and the former CEO of Alcor, believes that people can be rescued from death. “Our view is that when we call someone dead it’s a bit of an arbitrary line. In fact they are in need of a rescue,” he said in an interview. What’s perhaps more surprising is that Alcor is not the only cryonics clinic preserving dead bodies for revival in the future.
Human neurons have fewer ion channels, which might have allowed the human brain to divert energy to other neural processes.
Neurons communicate with each other via electrical impulses, which are produced by ion channels that control the flow of ions such as potassium and sodium. In a surprising new finding, MIT neuroscientists have shown that human neurons have a much smaller number of these channels than expected, compared to the neurons of other mammals.
The researchers hypothesize that this reduction in channel density may have helped the human brain evolve to operate more efficiently, allowing it to divert resources to other energy-intensive processes that are required to perform complex cognitive tasks.
“If the brain can save energy by reducing the density of ion channels, it can spend that energy on other neuronal or circuit processes,” says Mark Harnett, an associate professor of brain and cognitive sciences, a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and the senior author of the study.