As we are progressing towards the end 2021, let’s summarize what we did and where we are for Space Renaissance International. It was a quite intense and fruitful year.
A first Key Performance Indicator is membership: we have grown more than 110% in membership since November 2020, but we need more registrations, and partnerships! We have a goal for 2021, we are not far from it, and we hope to exceed it within December 20!
**A special invitation for the last event of 2021, December 20th: the Xmas Special meeting with our president Prof. Bernard Foing!** That will be a very special event, where we hope we can celebrate the achievement of our membership goal for 2021! The Zoom meeting will be open to all the SRI Members and invited friends — just registered or going to register during the meeting. During the meeting all the participants will have the possibility to make questions to the SRI President, the Founder and the Board of Directors, about the 2022 program: criticisms and proposals will be welcome.
We are asking each of the SRI members and supporters to assume this priority for the next month: to bring onboard many new members, to celebrate together during the Xmas Special event and exchange season greeting and wishes for a vibrant year 2022 for Space Renaissance International!
Read a summary of the things we made in 2021, and what we’ll make in 2022: