Since the commercialization of 5G network, there has been a rapid spread of this communication network. However, there are still critics who believe that there is no real need for 5G. Some of these critics believe that 4G LTE can do just what 5G can handle. However, this really depends on what the user does with the network. Have you used 5G network? How do you feel about the internet speed?
Toyota has broken ground on Woven City, a futuristic city prototype where the technologies of tomorrow can be tested en masse.
Just two weeks after launching from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft has opened its “eye” and returned its first images from space—a major operational milestone for the spacecraft and DART team.
After the violent vibrations of launch and the extreme temperature shift to minus 80 degrees C in space, scientists and engineers at the mission operations center at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, held their breath in anticipation. Because components of the spacecraft’s telescopic instrument are sensitive to movements as small as 5 millionths of a meter, even a tiny shift of something in the instrument could be very serious.
On Tuesday, Dec. 7, the spacecraft popped open the circular door covering the aperture of its DRACO telescopic camera and, to everyone’s glee, streamed back the first image of its surrounding environment. Taken about 2 million miles (11 light seconds) from Earth—very close, astronomically speaking —the image shows about a dozen stars, crystal-clear and sharp against the black backdrop of space, near where the constellations Perseus, Aries and Taurus intersect.
China’s growing military prowess dominated global headlines in 2021. Beijing’s fast-paced developments — be it the innovation in hypersonic technology, indigenous aircraft, or naval power — took the world by surprise and sent the alarm bells ringing in the West.
The EurAsian Times takes a look at five big developments in China’s weapons research and development.
Chinese Manned Space Agency (CMSA) is in the process of constructing a space station, called Tiangong, in the low Earth orbit (LEO). This construction gained a major milestone in May this year when Beijing launched Tianhe, the first module of the orbiting space station.
An initial series of test flights with drones has been launched in Poland as part of the EU-funded Uspace4UAM project. The first of these trials is now underway in Rzeszów, a city of close to 200,000 people.
The test flights are being carried out by three Uspace4UAM consortium members: Dronehub, the developer of drone-in-a-box systems for automated monitoring and data collection; drone equipment and sensor supplier Honeywell; and drone software technology company Altitude Angel. About 160 flights will be carried out in the Rzeszów area during the first phase, under 3 scenarios of autonomous drones flying for public service missions. The first scenario will involve emergency aerial monitoring of accident sites, the second will take ortho-and photogrammetric photos for public institutions, and the third will replicate the transportation of automated external defibrillators for use in life-threatening situations.
“Dronehub demos within Uspace4UAM started in November 2021, and we will end in June 2022. During this time, amongst other objectives, we will check how drones react to different and rapidly changing weather conditions,” states test flight project manager Jakub Węglarz of Dronehub in a news item posted on the SESAR Joint Undertaking website. The SESAR Joint Undertaking—which is funding Uspace4UAM—is a partnership between European private and public sector institutions formed to speed up the delivery of smarter, connected, accessible and more sustainable air transport solutions through research and innovation.
Lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), also called “killer robots” or “slaughterbots” being developed by a clutch of countries, have been a topic of debate with the international military, ethics, and human rights circles raising concerns. Recent talks about a ban on these killer robots have brought them into the spotlight yet again.
What Are Killer Robots?
The exact definition of a killer robot is fluid. However, most agree that they may be broadly described as weapons systems that use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify, select, and kill human targets without any meaningful human control.
State-approved project was found to emit polluted wastewater.
HONG KONG — Shanghai Electric Power has abandoned a project that was supposed to produce clean energy in China’s Xinjiang region but instead created a new source of pollution.
While the CyberKAT starts at $1,299, you’ll need to fork out an additional $120 for the electronics kit to power it and another $80 for the optional radio. The first models are currently estimated to start shipping in January or February 2022, which means the CyberKAT will likely beat the Cybertruck to market.
The additional fittings would mean that you could build the beast yourself. What better than a good DIY project to begin the new year.
The testing was conducted to help solve various problems like labor shortages in the logistic industries.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Limited has just announced the successful completion of the proof-of-concept testing for its latest unmanned cargo transport vehicle. Dubbed the Kawasaki Researching Autonomic Compound to Exceed Rotorcraft (K-RACER) X1, it is an unnamed vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft with, in this case, an underslung ancillary delivery robot.
The testing was conducted with an eye to helping solve various societal problems like labor shortages in the logistic industries.
In a tenth of a second.
We’ve just taken another step toward comprehending enormous magnetar explosions.
For the first time, a group of international researchers was able to measure oscillations in the brightness of a magnetar during its most violent moments.
This was a brutal moment in time indeed, as in less than a tenth of a second, the magnetar expelled energy equivalent to that created by the sun in 100,000 years!
Why you should know about magnetars (and why they’re scary) A magnetar is a rare form of neutron star distinguished by an extremely powerful magnetic field. Its field is about 1,000 times stronger than that of a regular neutron star — a trillion times greater than that of the Earth! We only know about 30 of these objects, since detecting them is a difficult task for our current technologies. While they are known to suffer violent eruptions, we know relatively little due to their unexpected nature and their short duration time of barely tenths of a second.
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