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Jan 8, 2021

Hyundai Confirms It’s In Talks With Apple To Make Electric Car

Posted by in categories: business, sustainability, transportation

A collaboration on an Apple Car would be huge! 👀🚗

Hyundai has already produced successful electricity-powered cars. However, talks with Apple could allow Hyundai to become a leading player in the EV market.

Hyundai Motors, a South Korea business that produces a variety of technology, has already moved into the electric vehicle market alongside its competitors. With that said, it has not reached the heights of the industry leaders such as Tesla.

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Jan 8, 2021

This Torch Flashlight it will start a fire and cook and Egg!

Posted by in category: futurism

Buy via Amazon :

Jan 8, 2021

Birds Have a Mysterious ‘Quantum Sense’. For The First Time, Scientists Saw It in Action

Posted by in categories: chemistry, quantum physics

Looks like living cells may have a lot more surprises to offer. 😃

Seeing our world through the eyes of a migratory bird would be a rather spooky experience. Something about their visual system allows them to ‘see’ our planet’s magnetic field, a clever trick of quantum physics and biochemistry that helps them navigate vast distances.

Now, for the first time ever, scientists from the University of Tokyo have directly observed a key reaction hypothesised to be behind birds’, and many other creatures’, talents for sensing the direction of the planet’s poles.

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Jan 8, 2021

Cancer cells converted into harmless fat cells

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Jan 8, 2021

This Recycling Robot Uses AI To Recycle Better

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, sustainability

This robot helps with the sorting of trash for recycling through AI. 😃

The Max-AI by Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) is a collaborative recycling robot that uses artificial intelligence and deep learning to help humans recycle more efficiently and reliably. (More info:

Jan 8, 2021

Scientists Propose Permanent Human Habitat Built Orbiting Ceres

Posted by in categories: habitats, space

Would you like to live on a space station? 😃

If that sounds familiar to fans of the popular sci-fi book and TV series “The Expanse,” that’s because in that fictional universe, Ceres Station plays a pivotal role as one of humanity’s first human off-world colonies. In the series, however, the space rock itself was spun up to create a crewed habitat on its surface with artificial gravity.

In a paper uploaded to the prewrite repository arXiv this week, the team argues that Ceres would be prime real estate because it has nitrogen, which could enable the creation of an Earth-like atmosphere.

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Jan 8, 2021

Japan is developing wooden satellites to reduce space junk

Posted by in category: satellites

Jan 7, 2021

Researchers Microwave Coal Powder Into Nano-Graphite

Posted by in category: nanotechnology

University of Wyoming researchers demonstrated their method using a traditional microwave oven. Read it here.

Jan 7, 2021

SpaceX Launches First Mission of 2021

Posted by in category: space travel

SpaceX successfully launches first 2021 mission, Turksat 5A. (Launch/Landing)

Jan 7, 2021

Extinct Predator Cave Lions Could be Brought Back to Life

Posted by in category: military

Ten thousands of years ago, the cave lion Panthera spelaea, a very intriguing subspecies of the modern-day lion which thrived on the Eurasian plateau, went extinct for reasons unknown.

A powerful ruler of the European steppe, the cave lion roamed territories from Spain to the far-off east of Russia. Fossils and bones have been dug out even in Alaska.

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