Company has also launched other robot models, with the standout capable of squatting, jumping, doing push-ups, retrieving items.
After many years, fans finally took porting Sonic Unleashed to PC into their own hands — and opened the floodgates behind them.
Analyst predicts more all-digital strategy in the wake of a potential 25% tariff on disc games.
This is just one of the growing companies setting up shop elsewhere to escape the US-China trade war.
Scientists enhance quantum sensing for chemical detection with nanodiamonds in microdroplets.
A new study has integrated nanodiamonds with microfluidic channels to demonstrate quantum sensing for chemical detection.
News broke today that the Trump administration will ask for a 50 percent cut in NASA’s Space Science Directorate budget for FY 2026. These cuts will almost certainly entail the shutting down of the Mars Curiosity rover, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Voyager and New Horizon interstellar probes, among others, and derail almost all plans for future American planetary exploration and astronomy missions.
The Mars Society stands 100 percent in opposition to this brutal attempt to wreck American space science.
Commenting on the proposed cuts, Mars Society President & Founder Dr. Robert Zubrin said NASA’s Space Science Directorate is by far the most cost-effective part of the space agency. Its accomplishments have been epic, including sending rovers to Mars, and orbiters or flyby missions to every planet in our solar system. It has astonished the world with the magnificent discoveries of its Hubble, Webb and other space telescopes. It is not merely the crown jewel of NASA. It is the gothic cathedral of our age, carrying the banner of our society’s highest ideal – the search for truth through science. Destroying it would be wanton crime not only against science, but civilization itself.
Extinction-level event for space science and exploration in the United States…
“It would be nothing short of an extinction-level event for space science.”
Biofuturistic world 13.1 Created and imagined by @theimagehs Music: sl9dge.
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