A first-of-its-kind type of eye drop offers the tantalizing benefit of never needing reading glasses ever again.
No, really. Walk into any school now, and you’ll see millions of Linux machines. They’re called Chromebooks. For a free project launched 30 years ago today by one man in his spare time, it’s an amazing feat.
Designed for research into climate change this high-precision gas sensor is good to 133 parts per trillion CO and 65 parts per trillion N₂O.
Physicist Max Tegmark on predictions that cannot be observed, explanation of Universe’ fine tuning, and quantum computer.
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Prof. Chalmers is an Australian philosopher and cognitive scientist specializing in the areas of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language.
The 41-year-old computing method can decode encrypted messages and help detect hidden military vehicles such as stealth aircraft.
A hint at what’s to come.
The Ariane 5 rocket carrying Hubble’s successor will get to the launch pad in just a few days. Here’s what its takeoff will look like.
The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest, most powerful, and most technologically challenging space telescope ever built.
The Webb Telescope is so large; it must be folded like origami to fit inside its rocket fairing for the ride into space. Once in space, unfolding and readying Webb for science is a complex process that will take about six months.
Webb is designed to see the most distant galaxies in the Universe and study how galaxies evolved over cosmic time. Webb will study planets orbiting other stars looking for the chemical signatures of the building blocks of life. Webb will also study planets within our own solar system.
A widespread outage at Amazon Web Services disrupted various websites and streaming platforms Wednesday — the second AWS outage reported in recent weeks.
More than 22,000 people had reported issues with the tech giant’s cloud computing service by 10:45 a.m. Monday, according to Downdetector.
The company acknowledged it was investigating connectivity issues in Northern California and Oregon. Between 11:10 and 11:14 a.m., it said the issues had been resolved.
Moderator: Michael Wall.
Panelists: Kennda Lynch, Abigail Fraeman, Morgan Cable.
Part of the Earth at the Crossroads conference held on Nov. 18, 2021.
Tantalizing new discoveries suggest that we are probably not alone in the universe. And yet, as Enrico Fermi first put in 1950: where is everybody? Are habitable worlds rare, unlikely, and therefore cosmically precious? Or is life easily overwhelmed by changing planetary conditions? Do technological societies in particular face an inevitable “Great Filter” that causes their extinction? These questions link the search for extraterrestrial life to the urgent environmental challenges facing our own civilization, from deadly pandemics to human-caused climate change. On November 18th, Georgetown University and the SETI Institute will unite scholars, journalists, artists and activists in conversations that explore what the search for alien life may reveal about the future of life on Earth. These conversations will be open to Georgetown students and will be broadcast to the public. They will culminate in a roundtable debate intended to draft a proclamation on the state of Earth’s environment and its future potential in a cosmic context.
If you like science, support the SETI Institute! We’re a non-profit research institution whose focus is understanding the nature and origins of life in the universe. Donate here: https://seti.org/donate.