Revenue across all chipmakers soared 25% amid the chip shortage, but revenue at Intel, a former pioneer, barely budged.
Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani is going big on green energy.
His conglomerate, Reliance Industries, announced Thursday that it would allocate a whopping 6 trillion rupees (approximately $80.6 billion) to renewable power projects in the western Indian state of Gujarat, where it hopes to help generate a million new jobs.
The bulk of that money — about $67.7 billion — will go toward a new power plant and hydrogen system, the company said in a stock exchange filing. Reliance plans to make the massive investment over a 10-to-15-year period, and has already begun scouting for land for the 100-gigawatt capacity site.
Japanese aerospace company SkyDrive unveiled the latest version of its flying car at CES 2022! The company hopes to unveil a commercial version in 2025.
If all goes well, the telescope will remain in that six-month orbit for the rest of its operational life, firing its thruster periodically to remain on station.
Getting ready to capture “‘wow’ images”
With the orbit insertion burn behind them, engineers will press ahead with mirror alignment, one of the most complex aspects of Webb’s already complicated deployment.
The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) is designed to answer fundamental questions about the Universe.
One of Webb’s key science goals is to study the nearby cosmos: uncovering hidden parts of our Solar System, peering inside dust clouds where stars and planetary systems are forming, and revealing the composition of exoplanets in more detail.
Researchers have developed implants small enough to fit inside brain cells.
It got weird, fast.
And what about Wolszczan’s pulsar detection method? As precise as it is, shouldn’t it have revealed many such pulsar planets by now?
That’s the thing, according to Wolszczan. “I’ve been engaged with a number of long-term surveys, which were to search for millisecond pulsars and then look for planets around them,” he says, and while they’ve found a few objects around neutrons stars, they’ve found nothing like the PSR B1257+12 system. “That is the disappointing part of the whole story.”
It remains a mystery why the first confirmed exoplanet appears to be part of a one-of-a-kind system. But then, exoplanet science is still relatively young and full of surprises. Star systems once assumed to be entirely hostile to life may yet prove to provide it a narrow niche.
Beyond that, the ECoG technology could be developed for use in the emerging field of brain-computer interfaces, which have a huge range of potential applications – from controlling a computer just by thinking, to streaming music directly to your brain.
By uncovering new knowledge about how the brain works, for example, the device could be used to interpret hand motions in new ways utilising brain wave patterns.
The Future of Virtual Reality has been shown at CES 2022 in the form of retina display VR Headsets, full body tracking solutions and brain computer interfaces previewing what the future of full dive virtual reality could look like. Companies such as Meta/Facebook, Google, Apple and Valve are all investing millions into making Virtual Reality mainstream and look just like real life.
00:00 A vision into the Future at CES
00:50 Next Generation VR Headsets.
02:29 The Future of VR Hardware.
04:47 VR CPU’s & GPU’s.
07:00 Is the Future of VR Mainstream?
07:48 Last Words.
#virtualreality #vr #future