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The late 90s and early 2000s were a breakout time for mobile phones, with cheap GSM handsets ushering in the era in which pretty much everybody had a phone. Back then, a popular way to customize one’s phone was to install a sticker that would flash when the phone rang. These required no batteries or any other connection to the phone, and [Big Clive] has dived in to explain how they worked.

It’s an old-fashioned teardown that requires a bit of cutting to get inside the sticker itself. A typical example had three LEDs in series for a total voltage drop of around 7V, hooked up to two diodes and a PCB trace antenna. A later evolution used raw unpackaged components bonded to the PCB. Future versions went down to a single diode, using the LEDs to serve as the second. The basic theory was that the PCB traces would pick up RF transmitted by the phone when a call was coming in, lighting the LEDs.

In the 2G era, the freuqencies used were on the order of 300 MHz to 1.9GHz. A combination of the change in frequencies used by modern phone technology and the lower transmit powers used by handsets means that the stickers don’t work properly with modern phones according to [Big Clive].

Now, that’s a superpower!What if you could speak every language on Earth? You would travel around the globe with ease making new friends everywhere.

The firm is working on building an A.I.-focused universal instantaneous speech translator and it could forever change how we communicate.

A powerful translating A.I.

CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg announced this new development during an online event Wednesday. “The ability to communicate with anyone in any language — that’s a superpower people have dreamed of forever, and A.I. is going to deliver that in our lifetimes,” he said.

Are we alone in the Universe? Billions of dollars are being spent trying to answer that simple question. The implications of finding evidence for life beyond Earth are staggering. The “before and after” mark would punctuate human history.

Mars is currently the most popular exploration target to search for evidence of life elsewhere. Yet little is known about its early history. Our research on a Martian meteorite provides new clues about early surface conditions on the red planet.

Today Mars is cold and inhospitable. But it may have been more Earth-like and habitable in a bygone era. Landforms on Mars record the action of liquid surface water, perhaps as early as 3.9 billion years ago.

After a few dubious claims from Model Y reservation holders that they had received a VIN from Giga Texas, it looks like the first legitimate Austin VIN has been assigned today.

The lucky reservation holder is Jared Wolny, who shared a screenshot from his mobile app on Facebook showing a VIN from Giga Texas – 7SAYGDEF9NA000137.

The important digit in the VIN is the A in the 11th position, which signifies it comes from Austin, and not Fremont (F).