Hubble, you’ve still got it!
A new image captures a startling star-forming region in the iconic constellation.
This could be us, but you’re taking the picture 5 billion years too early.
These two merging galaxies are locked in a cosmic death spiral similar to the one that binds us to the Andromeda Galaxy.
A surgical tool currently in clinical trials will slice fake flesh in space — providing groundbreaking new tech for space-based medical emergencies.
The biggest Internet service providers and their trade groups spent $234.7 million on lobbying and political donations during the most recent two-year congressional cycle, according to a report released yesterday. The ISPs and their trade groups lobbied against strict net neutrality rules and on various other telecom and broadband regulatory legislation, said the report written by advocacy group Common Cause.
Of the $234.7 million spent in 2019 and 2020, political contributions and expenditures accounted for $45.6 million. The rest of it went to lobbying expenditures.
Comcast led the way with $43 million in lobbying and political contributions and expenditures combined during the 2019–2020 cycle, the report said. The highest-spending ISPs after Comcast were AT&T with $36.4 million, Verizon with $24.8 million, Charter with $24.4 million, and T-Mobile with $21.5 million. “The dollar amounts are shocking,” the report said. “In total, these corporations spent more than $234 million on lobbying and federal elections during the 116th Congress—an average of more than $320,000 a day, seven days a week!”
…and yes SpaceX/Starlink is on the list just about Everyone is.
My Favorite site for transparency, however is opensecrets.
The 45.22-tesla magnet sits just shy of the record for the world’s most powerful magnet.
China started using the world’s most powerful magnet for scientific research. The magnet is roughly the size of a coin, but creates an impressive 45.22-tesla magnetic field.
The world’s most powerful magnet ever (45.5 tesla) was developed by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the U.S.
The momentous launch has been years in the making. NASA finally means to send its Orion capsule on its journey to the moon and back this month after a long string of delays exacerbated by concerns that the project had gone wildly over budget.
The latest image from the ESO’s Very Large Telescope reveals a distant galaxy that is full of freshly created and highly energetic stars.
ESO has just released a new image of a distant galaxy full of baby stars.
The image is, frankly, breathtaking.
They have to glean more information on how stars actually form.
In a new study published in Nature, researchers have developed a breakthrough technique called spatial transcriptomics, which allows scientists to map tumors non-invasively and at an unprecedented resolution depth. For the first time, researchers have created a three-dimensional map of a whole prostate to an unprecedented resolution, including areas of healthy and cancerous cells. Surprisingly, the study revealed that individual prostate tumors contain a range of genetic variations, which until this point were unknown.
“We have never had this level of resolution available before, and this new approach revealed some surprising results,” said Alastair Lamb of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, who jointly led the study.