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A team of astronomers from the Calıfornıa Instıtute of Technology dıscovered that two supermassıve black holes around 9 bıllıon lıght-years dıstant ın deep space orbıt each other every two years.

Each supermassıve black hole ıs thought to have mass hundreds of mıllıons of tımes greater than the Sun.

The dıstance between the bodıes ıs nearly fıfty tımes that between our sun and Pluto. When the paır collides ın around 10,000 years, ıt ıs expected that the gıgantıc ımpact would rock space and tıme ıtself, spreadıng gravıtatıonal waves across the cosmos.

It’s happening.

Historically, Launch Complex B has been used to launch missions to the Moon, including Apollo 10, which involved an orbital flight around the Moon.

When will Artemis I launch?

If all goes well in the next 12 days, the countdown to liftoff will begin on Monday, August 29, as early as 8:33 a.m. Eastern. NASA’s engineers will have a two-hour window for launch that morning, so it is possible the rocket could be on the pad as late as 10:30 a.m. Eastern that day before take off.

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a wireless system that uses radio transmitters and receivers to estimate soil moisture in agricultural fields at multiple depths in real time, improving on existing technologies that can be used to inform irrigation practices that both improve crop yield and reduce water consumption.

“Estimating is important because it can be used by growers to irrigate their fields more efficiently—only irrigating fields when and where the water is needed,” says Usman Mahmood Khan, first author of a paper on the work and a Ph.D. student at NC State. “This both conserves and supports things like smart agriculture technologies, such as automated irrigation systems. What’s more, conserving water resources can also help reduce , because less energy is used to pump water through the irrigation system.”

The new technology, called Contactless Moisture Estimation (CoMEt), does not require any in-ground sensors. Instead, CoMEt assesses soil moisture using something called “phase,” which is a characteristic of radio waves that is affected by both the wavelength of the radio waves and the distance between the radio wave’s transmitter and the wave’s receiver.

A young woman begins receiving messages from an unknown number that claims to be her deceased father. Trying to uncover the truth, she stumbles upon a larger conspiracy involving the singularity. On AMC+, September 1.

CAST: Katie Chang, Paul Dano, Daniel Dae Kim, William Hurt, Maude Apatow, Rosemarie DeWitt, Aaron Eckhart, Taylor Schilling.