Past neuroscience and psychology studies have shown that after the human brain encodes specific events or information, it can periodically reactivate them to facilitate their retention, via a process known as memory consolidation. The reactivation of memories has been specifically studied in the context of sleep or rest, with findings suggesting that during periods of inactivity, the brain reactivates specific memories, allowing people to remember them in the long term.
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and other institutions in the United States recently conducted a study exploring the possibility that the brain engages in a similar reactivation process during wakefulness to store important information for shorter periods of time. Their findings, published in Nature Neuroscience, suggest that the spontaneous reactivation of specific stimuli in the brain during the brief intervals between their encoding predicts the accuracy with which people remember them at the end of a memory task.
“Mike Kahana and I were both quite interested in the long history of thinking about rehearsal and its effects on the way in which people later recalled things,” Dr. David Halpern, the first author of the paper, told Medical Xpress. “Rehearsal is challenging to study since people often do it without any overt behavior (unless we ask them to rehearse out loud).”