Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to [email protected].
EPFL researchers have developed a robot that can drive, roll, and even paddle through water to reach its destination.
Environmental conditions can cause damaging stress to plants, posing challenges for home gardeners and farmers. Therefore, early detection—before leaves visibly discolor, wilt or wither—is crucial.
In the realm of science fiction, Dyson spheres and ringworlds have been staples for decades. But it is well known that the simplest designs are unstable against gravitational forces and would thus be torn apart. Now a scientist from Scotland, UK has shown that certain configurations of these objects near a two-mass system can be stable against such fractures. The work is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Research into immunotherapy against cancer typically focuses on better recognition of cancer cells by the body’s own immune system. Researchers at Amsterdam UMC and Moffitt Cancer Center have taken a different approach.
Forget SaaS
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As software becomes the worker, Software as a Service is being turned on its head by artificial intelligence. Meet ‘Services as Software.’
Antibiotics increase the gut oxygen levels and favor growth of harmful fungi. Chemically restoring intestinal gut hypoxia could deter fungal blooms.
Scientists have long sought the particle that carries the force of gravity, but a new theoretical model tosses out that idea entirely – and shows how it could be tested in experiments
The race among quantum computers is full of higher number of qubits and error correction rates. But what problems that need solving now?