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Jan 19, 2022

James Webb completes the most complicated part of its mission

Posted by in category: space

#nasa #space

Jan 19, 2022

Astronomers observed a red supergiant star during its final 130 days leading up to a supernova explosion

Posted by in category: cosmology

This is the first direct detection of pre-supernova activity in a red supergiant star.

#space #Thecosmicstudio #supernova

Jan 19, 2022

They did it! James Webb has been fully deployed in space

Posted by in category: space

Jan 19, 2022

Elon Musk has made a bold claim! But here’s the problem

Posted by in category: Elon Musk

Jan 19, 2022

An international group of astrophysicists

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

led by specialists from the University of Barcelona, ​​discovered a huge population of black holes, which seemed to “lurk” in the globular star cluster Palomar 5 in the Milky Way. In the distant future, this cluster will completely consist of black holes.

Jan 19, 2022

NASA To Build A Giant Telescope On The Far Side Of The Moon

Posted by in category: space

Jan 19, 2022

Strange things happened to honeybees sent into space!

Posted by in category: space

Jan 19, 2022

Astronomers have long had the well-documented belief that an ocean of water is splashing beneath Europa’s ice crust

Posted by in category: alien life

In recent research, scientists showed that there is enough heat in the bowels of Europa to keep part of the solid core in a molten state, and thereby support the existence of volcanoes on the ocean floor. This find suggests that the volcanic activity may be enough to support subsurface alien life on Jupiter’s moon.

Jan 19, 2022

China to set up a permanent Moon base

Posted by in category: space

#moon #space

Jan 19, 2022

A cattle breeder in Turkiye’s Aksaray says he increased the milk yield of his cows

Posted by in category: futurism