The company’s engineers said that the new device may not be slated for use with any of the current IBM Quantum processors but that building it taught them important lessons on how to overcome these challenges.
The company’s engineers said that the new device may not be slated for use with any of the current IBM Quantum processors but that building it taught them important lessons on how to overcome these challenges.
After two decades of research, scientists at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have found a way of rejuvenating human skin and organs.
Posted in alien life, futurism
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The idea that some mimic might steal your identity and replace you, or takeover your mind, is terrifying. But could we encounter aliens that were able to do this?
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Posted in biotech/medical
Researched and Written by Leila Battison.
Narrated and Edited by David Kelly.
Script Edited by Pete Kelly.
Art by Khail Kupsky.
Thumbnail Art by Ettore Mazza.
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References for the video:
A single change in a human protein sequence might be responsible for differences in the size and shape of human and Neanderthal brains.
(October 29, 2012) Keith Devlin concludes the course by discussing the development of mathematical cognition in humans as well as the millennium problems.
Originally presented in the Stanford Continuing Studies Program.
Stanford University:
Stanford Continuing Studies Program:
Using gene modification techniques, a team of researchers have come up with a new treatment for balding, Wired reports — a condition experienced to varying degrees by two-thirds of American men by age 35.
The team, associated with the University of California, Irvine and a biotech company called Amplifica, believes they’ve identified the signaling pathway that drive hair growth to find new ways to stop stem cells from giving up on producing hair follicles.
Experiments with mice, as detailed in a new paper published in the journal Developmental Cell last month, have been promising. The mice were genetically modified to have the hair growth signaling pathway turned on permanently.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can perform preventive healthcare activities such as health screening, routine check-up and vaccination with expert-level accuracy that can turn out to be cost-effective in the long run. Yet, a new research found that individuals show less trust in preventive care interventions suggested by AI than when the same interventions are prompted by human health experts.
The researchers at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore studied 15,000 users of a health mobile application and found that emphasising the involvement of a human health expert in an AI-suggested intervention could improve its acceptance and effectiveness.
These findings suggest that the human element remains important even as the healthcare sector increasingly adopts AI to screen, diagnose and treat patients more efficiently. The findings could also contribute to the design of more effective AI-prompted preventive care interventions, said the researchers.
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Posted in particle physics
The Standard Model is our best theory for how the universe operates, but there are some missing pieces that physicists are struggling to find.
The Standard Model of physics is the theory of particles, fields and the fundamental forces that govern them.
It tells us about how families of elementary particles group together to form larger composite particles, and how one particle can interact with another, and how particles respond to the fundamental forces of nature. It has made successful predictions such as the existence of the Higgs boson, and acts as the cornerstone for theoretical physics.