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Feb 14, 2022

Rubber-like Programmable MetaMaterial Invented With Unique Phase Change Properties

Posted by in categories: energy, materials

It has elasto-magnetic properties that cause it to react to external forces or energy acting like a super rubber band.

Feb 14, 2022

A New Meaning to the Word “Conversion” Entered My Personal Lexicon in the Last Week

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, energy

Paroxysmal AF occurs when the upper chambers of the heart beat irregularly. Instead of initiating normal sinus rhythm, the two atria fibrillate or quiver. That doesn’t stop blood flowing from the upper to lower chambers, but it does upset the normal heartbeat causing the heart to race. In my case, the paroxysmal reference meant that my heart was going in and out of AF. Sometimes everything was normal. At other times I would experience a racing heartbeat exceeding 120 beats per minute and lasting from minutes to hours.

When an AF episode ends what happens inside the heart? An apt analogy is the electric control panel in every home that either contains circuit breakers or fuses. When lights go out you can go to the box to reset a tripped circuit or replace a blown fuse. In Paroxysmal AF that reset is automatic with the heartbeat returning to normal sinus rhythm.

So where does conversion come into the conversation? I had worn a Holter Monitor (a portable ECG device) for 14-days back in the latter part of November of last year. In this pandemic-disrupted world, it took a while before a cardiologist got back to me about what the Holter showed. In a video call last week I learned about conversion in an entirely new context. The cardiologist told me that over the two weeks of wearing the Holter Monitor I had been in AF for 8.5% of the time and had experienced seven conversion pauses lasting between 3.5 and 5 seconds. A pause is exactly what you think it means. If we carry the analogy of the fuse box, it is as if a power fluctuation caused the lights to go out and it took five seconds to reset the circuit breaker for them to come back on. The cardiologist said the AF occurrences were less of a concern than the conversion pauses, particularly one lasting 5 seconds (apparently happened in my sleep).

Feb 14, 2022

Reducing Our Global Carbon Footprint Requires Us to Rethink the Building Materials We Use

Posted by in category: materials

Researchers using crushed concrete from demolished buildings to make calcium carbonate cement. Could reduce GHGs in the atmosphere by 2%.

Feb 14, 2022

How Even a Futurist Company Like SpaceX Can Forget to Check the Weather Report

Posted by in categories: internet, satellites

The Sun’s solar activity cycle moves into high gear and knocks down 40 Starlink satellites. Peak is 2025. How many more could be impacted?

Feb 14, 2022

Stanford’s multi-finger gecko gripper could soon help astronauts grasp and manipulate objects in space

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

Researchers from Stanford University developed a robotic gripper that uses gecko-inspired adhesives to pick up both delicate and robust objects. An earlier concept was tested aboard the International Space Station in May 2021 to see its potential.

Feb 14, 2022

Watch this light sports plane fly both in the air and on the water

Posted by in categories: engineering, transportation



Feb 14, 2022

This terrarium puts a forest on your desk

Posted by in category: futurism

📹 TerraLiving.

Feb 14, 2022

Drones could deliver your online orders in minutes

Posted by in categories: drones, engineering

So where are all the drones? 🤔


Feb 14, 2022

This four-legged robot can easily take on difficult terrain

Posted by in category: robotics/AI


🎥 ETH Zurich.


Feb 14, 2022

Something strange is happening around dying stars!

Posted by in category: life extension