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Mar 14, 2022

Scientists Discover Promising New Electrolyte for Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries

Posted by in categories: energy, materials

New battery material offers promise for the development of all-solid batteries.

In the quest for the perfect battery, scientists have two primary goals: create a device that can store a great deal of energy and do it safely. Many batteries contain liquid electrolytes, which are potentially flammable.

As a result, solid-state lithium-ion batteries, which consist of entirely solid components, have become increasingly attractive to scientists because they offer an enticing combination of higher safety and increased energy density — which is how much energy the battery can store for a given volume.

Mar 14, 2022

Creating sub-1-nm gate lengths for MoS2 transistors

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, particle physics

A team of researchers working at Tsinghua University in China has created a sub-1-nm gate in a MoS2 transistor. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group outlines how they created the super tiny gate and explains why they believe it will be difficult for anyone to beat their record.

For most of the history of microcomputing, Moore’s Law has held up—researchers and engineers have managed to double the speed and capability of computers regularly by reducing the size of their components. But more recently, it has grown increasingly difficult to make components smaller as scientists now run into . In this new effort, the researchers believe they may have bumped up against the ultimate limit—they have built a gate that is just one atom in length.

At their most basic, transistors are a source and a drain, with a gate controlling the flow of electricity between them. It switches on and off depending on how much electricity is applied. The push to reduce the size of the components has led to the testing of materials such as carbon nanotubes, which are approximately 1nm, for use as gates. In this new effort, the researchers have unrolled the and used its graphene edge as the gate—reducing its length to just 0.34 nm.

Mar 14, 2022

New record temperature for spherical tokamak

Posted by in categories: government, nuclear energy

Tokamak Energy, based near Oxford, UK, has demonstrated a world-first with its privately-funded ST40 spherical tokamak. The reactor achieved a plasma temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius, the threshold required for commercial fusion energy.

At nearly seven times hotter than the centre of the Sun, this is by far the highest temperature ever generated within a spherical tokamak and also by any privately-funded tokamak. The ST40 had previously achieved a temperature of 15 million degrees in June 2018. While several government laboratories have reported plasma temperatures above 100 million degrees in conventional tokamaks, this milestone has been achieved in just five years, for a cost of less than £50m ($70m) and in a much more compact fusion device. This provides further proof that spherical tokamaks are a viable route to the delivery of clean, secure, low cost, scalable fusion energy.

Mar 14, 2022

Warning: Objects in driverless car sensors may be closer than they appear

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, security, transportation

Researchers at Duke University have demonstrated the first attack strategy that can fool industry-standard autonomous vehicle sensors into believing nearby objects are closer (or further) than they appear without being detected.

The research suggests that adding optical 3D capabilities or the ability to share data with nearby cars may be necessary to fully protect from attacks.

The results will be presented Aug. 10–12 at the 2022 USENIX Security Symposium, a top venue in the field.

Mar 14, 2022

Hubble catches a cosmic illusion predicted by Einstein 86 years ago

Posted by in category: space

Little did he know that we would one day have telescopes powerful enough to image distant galaxies.

“[Einstein] had a sense of the natural sublime.”

The first known image of an Einstein ring was captured in 1987 at the Very Large Array radio observatory in New Mexico. A little over a decade later, Hubble found the first complete one. Since then astronomers have found many more of Einstein Rings including this one, which Tommaso Treu’s group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Californa, Los Angeles, produced with the Hubble.

Mar 14, 2022

Fully vaccinated will need fourth dose later this year, and new variant dubbed ‘deltacron’ detected in Europe

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Fully vaccinated people will need a fourth shot later in 2022, according to the head of Pfizer Inc., who said that COVID-19 is not going to just go away in the coming years.

Albert Bourla told CBS News anchor Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” that people are going to have to learn to live with the virus.

He said a fourth dose — that is, a second booster — is necessary “right now.”

Mar 14, 2022

How “bodies on a chip” can transform animal welfare

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, computing

Circa 2019

When Ken-Ichiro Kamei, a microengineer at Kyoto University, goes out drinking with his friends, he usually brings along one of his “bodies on a chip.” When the topic of work inevitably comes up, he’ll whip out the chip – which looks like a lab slide, but with an added crystal-clear silicone rubber layer containing faintly visible troughs and channels – and declare, “I’m making these devices to recreate humans and animals.”

Wows inevitably ensue. “It’s like I’m a magician and my friends have asked me to do some tricks,” Kamei chuckles.

Continue reading “How ‘bodies on a chip’ can transform animal welfare” »

Mar 14, 2022

Seoul hospital completes robotic liver transplant surgery

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Circa 2021

Seoul National University Hospital completed a liver transplant procedure using a robot and a laparoscope that left no huge abdominal scars for both the donor and recipient.

Suh Kyung-suk, a professor on the liver transplant team, noted that the new surgical procedure also reduces complications associated with the lungs and scars and shortens the recovery time.

Continue reading “Seoul hospital completes robotic liver transplant surgery” »

Mar 14, 2022

McDonald’s is using grease from its food to power its delivery trucks

Posted by in category: food

Circa 2011

Oil that’s used to make Big Macs and fries will be converted into bio-diesel to power the fast-food giant’s trucks in the middle-east.

Mar 14, 2022

New Thinking Is Needed to Get Us Out of the Many Fixes We Are In

Posted by in categories: climatology, governance, sustainability

New governance models and new ways for us to interact are needed to help address existential challenges like climate change.