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In this video I discuss 5 Types of Compute which can replace our traditional Computers in the Future.

Watch Next:
➞ Analog Compute:
➞ Biological Compute:
➞ Compute with Light:
➞ Quantum Computers:
➞ RF compute paper:…c_Synapses.

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Circa 2021 face_with_colon_three

Metallic non-metals

In theory, most materials are capable of becoming metallic if put under enough pressure. Atoms or molecules can be squeezed together so tightly that they begin to share their outer electrons, which can then travel and conduct electricity as they do in a chunk of copper or iron. Geophysicists think that the centres of massive planets such as Neptune or Uranus host water in such a metallic state, and that high-pressure metallic hydrogen can even become a superconductor, able to conduct electricity without any resistance.

Circa 2017 I think with a light into matter laser we could create water but this idea could be a first step.

Lasers are one of the iconic breakthroughs of 20th century science. They produce coherent photons in tight beams of specific energy. They can transmit data, detect molecules, and burn through metal. The photons they produce also have significant momentum.

And that raises an interesting question. Is it possible to transfer this momentum to generate matter rays such as a liquid flow? Not until now.

University of Cambridge physicists have developed a theoretical foundation for the existence of wormholes, which are pipelines that connect two dissimilar places in space-time. Time travel and instant communication across great distances may become possible if a piece of data or a physical object could pass through the wormhole.

“But there’s a problem: Einstein’s wormholes are extremely unsteady, and they don’t stay open long enough for something to pass over.”

In 1988, physicists reached the deduction that a type of negative energy called Casimir energy might keep wormholes open.

In this interview we dive into Dr. @Bart D. Ehrman professional thoughts about various interesting ideas. This is a must watch interview.

Sign up for Dr. Bart D. Ehrman’s Christmas Webinar here.

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Circa 2018 face_with_colon_three

Dreaming big isn’t something Jeff Bezos has a problem with.

And true to form, the multi-billionaire’s vision for the world that his great-grandchildren’s great-grandchildren will live in is pretty wild to imagine.

The Amazon and Blue Origin boss says a trillion people will live in space, there will be “a thousand Einsteins and a thousand Mozarts” and we’ll develop other planets, leaving Earth a beautiful place to be.

Some New Yorkers who completed their vaccine series should receive a single lifetime booster shot, health officials said. These individuals include people who might have contact with someone infected or thought to be infected with poliovirus or members of the infected person’s household.

Health care workers should also get a booster if they work in areas where poliovirus has been detected and they might handle specimens or treat patients who may have polio. People who might be exposed to wastewater due to their job should also consider getting a booster, health officials said.

All children should receive four doses of the polio vaccine. The first dose is administered between 6 weeks and 2 months of age, the second dose is given at 4 months, the third at 6 months to 18 months, and the fourth dose at 4 to 6 years old.