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Nov 7, 2021

Man donated his body to science; company sold $500 tickets to his dissection

Posted by in category: science

The widow learned of the dissection from a news reporter.

Nov 7, 2021

Electricity Conducting Glass Tables Are Probably Going to Be the Next Interior Design Fad

Posted by in categories: energy, food

Glass tables, glass desks, and even glass kitchen counters could one day be completely free of wires.

Nov 7, 2021

COVID-19 infections are rising dramatically in Germany | COVID-19 Special

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

Germany’s COVID infections are now higher than ever. And the numbers keep growing.

That’s despite a relatively high vaccination rate. Almost 70 percent of Germans are fully vaccinated against the virus.

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Nov 7, 2021

Artificial Intelligence and Dreaming

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI

Brent Oster is the President and CEO of ORBAI. He has 28 years experience in 3D computer graphics, animation, simulation, and AI with Bioware, Electronic Arts, Autodesk, and NVIDIA. He was the co-founder Bioware and Check Six, and he has completed the Stanford Continuing Studies curriculum of classes in entrepreneurial business, along with his degrees in Aerospace Engineering at University of Toronto and Scientific Computing at UC Santa Barbara.

As a Sr Solution Architect at NVIDIA, Brent helped Fortune 500 companies (and startups) looking to adopt ‘AI’, but consistently found that DL architectures tools fell far short of their expectations for ‘AI’. Brent started ORBAI to develop something better for them.

Nov 7, 2021

Progress Towards an Artificial General Intelligence

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

In 2,020 several powerful AI programs were developed which have the potential to alter many aspects of our everyday life. What are these programs, and who is behind them?

Discord link:

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Nov 6, 2021

A chat with the author of ‘The Vertical Farm’

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

Last week, TechCrunch ran my TC-1 about Bowery Farming. What began as a piece about a heartily financed New York startup ballooned into an exploration about an emerging field with a rich and fascinating history. I sought to answer some big questions about the efficacy, profitability and sustainability of vertical farming. I would be lying if I told you that I emerged from the other side with satisfactory answers — no doubt all of the above will be clear over time.

I did, however, get the opportunity to talk to several fascinating folks with myriad views on all of the above. One of the folks I kept coming back to was Dickson Despommier — widely regarded as the godfather of vertical farming. It was in his Columbia University courses that many of the fundamental concepts around vertical farming were developed over a number of years.

Nov 6, 2021

Elon Musk proposes selling 10% of his Tesla stock in a Twitter poll

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, law, sustainability, transportation

Billionaire Elon Musk on Saturday asked his Twitter followers to decide whether he should sell 10% of his Tesla stock, promising to “abide by the results of this poll, whichever way it goes.”

“Much is made lately of unrealized gains being a means of tax avoidance, so I propose selling 10% of my Tesla stock,” the electric car maker’s CEO said. He did not directly specify where that 10% would go.

This isn’t the first time Musk has taken aim at proposals in Washington that would tax billionaires’ net worth gains. Under current US tax law, assets like stocks are taxed only when they’re sold — what’s called a capital gain. But the richest of the rich in America probably aren’t selling off their massive stock portfolios; instead, their main form of income is the value that those assets accrue, or unrealized gains.

Nov 6, 2021

Sam Adams ‘Space Craft’ Is World’s First Beer Brewed With Hops That Orbited Earth

Posted by in category: space travel

This beer is truly out of this world.

Nov 6, 2021

Microsoft Fends Off 2.4Tbps DDoS Attack, Second Largest on Record

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

A DDoS attack essentially tries to down a website or internet service by bombarding the system with a flood of data traffic. To do so, the hacker can sometimes harness botnets, or armies of malware-infected computers, to generate the traffic.

In this case, the attack originated from “70,000 sources” based in countries across Asia and the US, Microsoft says. Whether the hacker used a botnet was left unsaid. But the UDP protocol was exploited in what’s known as a “reflection attack” to amplify the data traffic to 2.4Tbps.

Nov 6, 2021

Japan’s ARM-Based ‘Fugaku’ System Now the World’s Fastest Supercomputer

Posted by in category: supercomputing

Fujitsu and the Riken research institute ended up packing 152,064 A64FX chips into what would become the Fugaku system, which is now the world’s fastest supercomputer.