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Feb 14, 2022

Will the Primary Purpose of the Metaverse be to Escape Reality or Create an Alternate One?

Posted by in category: virtual reality

Will we find a way to escape our reality by immersing ourselves in virtual reality?

Feb 14, 2022

Will We Discover Extraterrestrial Life This Decade?

Posted by in category: alien life

Do organics found on Mars indicate past life or are there nonbiological explanations? When will we definitively know that alien life exists?

Feb 14, 2022

The Stark Reality of a Global Pandemic: The Official Numbers Don’t Tell the Entire Story

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Excess death modelling varies. But all modellers agree that the official mortality numbers seriously underestimate COVID-19 deaths.

Feb 14, 2022

Is the Artificial Intelligence Classified as Machine Learning Becoming More Personable?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Please welcome Samantha Higgins, who defines herself as a professional writer with a passion for research, observation, and innovation. She resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and her two twin boys. When she’s not writing about artificial intelligence and other technology subjects, Samantha loves kayaking and reading creative non-fiction. In this her first contribution to 21st Century Tech Blog, she talks about the progress being made by those who create the neural networks that make computers learn about the patterns in human existence. That’s what machine learning is all about.

Machine learning is a technology that gives us language translation applications, word prediction when composing emails and texts, and suggestions on the order presentation within social media feeds. It is a technology used by many industries from healthcare where it can aid in medical diagnosis and interpretation of radiology images, as well as in the operation of autonomous vehicles.

Machine learning is a subcategory of artificial intelligence (AI), software tools that learn without explicitly relying on programming. Many companies deploying AI today are primarily using machine learning to help reduce labor costs and increase productivity.

Feb 14, 2022

World Economic Forum 2021 Global Risk Report Doesn’t Sugarcoat Anything

Posted by in categories: climatology, sustainability

We now know the power that political leaders can wield when the challenge demands it giving us the means to combat climate change.

Feb 14, 2022

Habitat for Humanity is 3D Printing Homes

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, habitats

This Williamsburg, Virginia home has concrete walls laid down by a 3D printer dramatically reducing costs and the time to construct.

Feb 14, 2022

Why Indoor Air Quality Is a Global Health Concern

Posted by in category: health

Airborne pollutants including viruses, mould, bacteria, dust, and harmful gasses cause millions of deaths annually. Solutions are available.

Feb 14, 2022

Three New Capabilities I Have Learned About Regarding Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Recent advances in AI are using deep learning to identify areas within human organs that surgeons can safely dissect before operating, machine learning to predict if patients with memory issues will develop Alzheimer’s within two years, and deep learning to analyze eye scans during routine examinations to identify patients at short-term high risk for a heart attack.

AI is being used for surgical guidance in the OR, for predicting early-onset Alzheimer’s, and through eye exams who may have a heart attack.

Feb 14, 2022

Ever the Optimist Peter Diamandis Shares His Top Ten Meta Trends of This Decade

Posted by in category: Peter Diamandis

How will advancements in technology and our scientific understanding and discoveries impact society? Peter Diamandis picks 10 to talk about.

Feb 14, 2022

AlphaFold AI Revealing the Structure of Every Protein in our Bodies and More

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Research on proteins has been front and centre in our battle to defeat COVID-19. That’s why major efforts are being made to unlock the mystery of how combinations of amino acids when folded can be powerful tools in combatting diseases and more.

DeepMind in the UK and the University of Washington leading the way in proteins research to meet 21st-century problems and challenges.