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It was in 1975 when scientists from Ayerst (now Pfizer) discovered a novel compound called rapamycin (also known as Sirolimus) in bacteria on Rapa Nui(Easter Island) in Chile. In 1999 rapamycin obtained FDA approval for the prevention of acute rejection of renal transplant. Unknown at the time, rapamycin would become the most potent anti-aging drug that humans currently hold.

This is the first article of a two-part series on rapamycin.

The profound effect rapamycin has on lifespan was first observed in yeast cells, and later confirmed in every model organism tested, including the nematode C. elegans, fruit flies, and mice.

My mini UAV idea! A sphere shaped UAV, somewhere in size between a basketball, and a small beach ball. Cloak technology, if i could get away with it. Power source, coated in ultra fancy photo voltaic skin, that powers super fancy batteries for an indefinite flight time and range. Engine, Ion Drive, noiseless, still sort of in an experimental phase. Weapons system, an electrical recoilless rifle, can fire assorted ammunition; no recoil, no flash, with an advanced targeting system, operates sort of like a sniper. Carries a laser designator to designate targets for guided bombs and smart artillery.

Drop thousands behind enemy lines, and cause complete chaos. Coming to a battle field in 2030?

Budget documents reveal plans for the Super Swarm project, a way to overwhelm defenses with vast numbers of drones attacking simultaneously.

Ever since I read Asimov’s I, Robot as a child I was fascinated by those mechanical human-like machines capable of interacting with humans and achieve complex tasks with their non-human skills.

Up until now, the vision of a world filled with humanoid robot was a dream manifested only in science fiction. But with recent development, in particularly, the Optimus demonstration at Tesla’s AI day, it seems as Robots may soon become part of our daily life.

Will Asimov’s Robot vision become a reality?
How will this impact society?
Could this spell the end of poverty and material want?
Are we about to become a post scarcity society?
What are the risks Science Fiction warns us about?


Where are we likely to find life first and the most on Mars? And why I think that is both likely and not a threat to us and us not to it, Watch and see.

Worm-hole generators by the pound mass:

For gardening in your Lunar or Mars habitat GalacticGregs has teamed up with True Leaf Market to bring you a great selection of seed for your planting. Check it out:

Awesome deals for long term food supplies for those long missions to deep space (or prepping in case your spaceship crashes: See the Special Deals at My Patriot Supply:

Kat DeLorean has built a new company to engineer the vehicle.

Kat DeLorean, daughter of legendary automotive engineer John DeLorean is building a new sports car to honor her father’s memory, according to a blog of the car’s site.

DNG Motors.

With an estimated 60 to 70 vessels, China allegedly possesses the largest fleet of conventional submarines in the world.

The Chinese Navy could finally use lithium technology to replace the lead-acid batteries that are now used in its fleet of conventional submarines.

Since lithium batteries had a higher risk of catching fire or exploding, the navy was hesitant to replace the submarine fleet’s current batteries with them.
