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Additionally, epigenetic changes were suggested to be a possible link [30, 31] between adverse childhood experiences and mortality as well as higher morbidity burden in late life [32]. It was proposed that this link could be mediated by health-adverse coping mechanisms (activated as a result of high levels of anxiety and depression) that are associated with adverse childhood experiences [33]. Some of these coping strategies, such as smoking, alcohol abuse and and a high BMI resulting from unhealthy eating habits, were shown to be associated with DNAmAA in some studies [34,35,36]. However, these results were not unequivocally replicated [37,38,39] (reviewed in ref. [40]).

Previous studies that examined the relationship between DNAmAA and stress operationalized stress as low socioeconomic status (SES) [41, 42], (childhood) trauma [26, 43,44,45], racial discrimination [46], or exposure to violence [47]. Many previous studies on the topic focused on changes in DNAm age during childhood as this period is known to be particularly prone to stress-related epigenetic changes [29].

In contrast, in this work we focus on older age which was shown to be the second most vulnerable phase in a person’s life in terms of epigenetics [29]. As epigenetic modifications remain even after the psychological stimulus has ceased there is the possibility of cumulating effects on the epigenome exerted by repeated psychological stressors [29]. Specifically, we analyzed the association between the amount of experienced stress (measured by Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale [PSS] [48]) and several DNAm age estimators (i.e. the 7-CpG clock [49], Horvath’s clock [50], Hannum’s clock [51], PhenoAge [34], GrimAge [52]) in 1,100 older adults. While the PSS represents a well-established marker of perceived stress [48], to our knowledge it has not been investigated in the context of epigenetic aging before. While we were able to replicate well-established associations with perceived stress, none of the five epigenetic clocks analyzed in the current study were associated with the perception of stress.

face_with_colon_three circa 2021.

Most of the colors we see around us are produced by the reflection of light from pigments. Yet there is another type of color called “structural color,” produced when light is reflected off the special microstructure of a surface. Structural color is what makes the surface of soap bubbles iridescent and the body of a jewel beetle appear to glitter. While pigmented colors have the disadvantage of fading due to ultraviolet rays, structural colors retain their appearance as long as the microstructure remains intact. Associate Professor Michinari Kohri of Chiba University is working to artificially reproduce these structural colors. Taking a hint from the structural colors of peacock and turkey feathers, he has succeeded in reproducing the microstructure that gives rise to the colors and is now working on the development of special ink that will not fade.

So one treated rat made it to 45 months which is 113 for people. A 2nd trial is underway to try and increase these results. Also, the human topical test for E5 is just for skin rejuvenation, not fro full rejuvenation or lifespan increase for people.

In this video we report on the August 2022 update from Dr. Katcher’s experiment with E5 along with some other details about the book launch in other languages, the new experiment and topical E5 for humans!

Links to Dr Katcher’s books on Amazon.

A new theory disputes a widely accepted claim about the existence of life on other planets.

The equivalence of life on Earth may hold the key to determining life existence on other planets according to a recent study published by Cambridge University Press.

Scientists have often questioned if the existence of life on Earth can tell us about abiogenesis, or the origin of life from inorganic substances, on other planets. Therefore the new insights may provide a fresh boost of understanding in the field.

Save your solar panels from the shade.

Currently, solar power accounts for 3.3 percent of the total energy produced in the US, and it has become the fastest-growing source of clean energy in the country. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that by 2050, the share of solar energy in America’s total electricity production could reach 45 percent. However, in order to achieve this milestone, solar energy experts will have to make photovoltaic systems more efficient and advanced than ever.

Scientists analyze the role of shadows in decreasing the power output of solar panels for small solar systems. This could tell us how shade from objects ranging from clouds to dust affects the amount of electricity produced by a solar panel.

The country’s space agency aims to send humans to the red planet before NASA.

Back in May 2020, China landed its first rover, called Mars Zhurong, on the red planet. The Zhurong mission is expected to explore the planet for a total of roughly 90 sols (92 Earth days). During that time, it will use equipment, including a magnetic field detector, cameras, spectrometers, and a weather station to collect valuable data for scientists on Earth.

Now, as per a press statement, a new radar image from the Zhurong Mars rover sheds new light on the surface structures of the Utopia Planitia basin, the largest recognized impact basin on Mars with an estimated diameter of 2,050 miles (3,300 km). China National Space Administration.

Scientists might have just discovered a pinch of ocean inside the Earth.

A rare diamond found in the mines of Botswana has provided more details about the region between the Earth’s upper and lower mantle. Also called the transition zone or the 660 km discontinuity, the region is likely to be rich in water, according to a recent study.

Finding large amounts of water underground on a planet whose 71 percent surface is water may not sound like a big revelation. Yet it is. Liquid water on the Earth’s surface may seem like a lot but it is merely a puddle when compared to the water content under the crust.

Mars isn’t going anywhere.

Seeing as Venus has a hellish surface temperature, hot enough to melt lead, you wouldn’t think scientists would be clamoring to send humans to the fiery planet. Then there’s the crushing atmospheric pressure.

Still, as per a report by The Guardian, a group of space experts is campaigning to shift the focus away from human exploration of Mars and towards first sending a crewed mission to our nearest neighbor, Venus.

The case for a crewed Venus flyby.