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Apr 17, 2022

AGE Products Impact Lifespan: Impact Of Hyperglycemia, Kidney Function, And The Microbiome

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

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Papers referenced in the video:
Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan.

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Apr 17, 2022

A Case Of Shrunken Brains: How Covid-19 May Damage Brain Cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Xrs PortalAuthor

Comparing brain volume before and after individuals were exposed to SARS-CoV-2, this study documents significant cortical gray matter loss, equivalent to nearly 10 years of aging.

Apr 17, 2022

Tesla unveils giant new 360 MWh Megapack project that is going to help power 60,000 homes

Posted by in categories: energy, sustainability

Tesla has unveiled its latest giant Megapack project consisting of 360 MWh of energy storage capacity used in concert with a solar farm to help power 60,000 homes.

Arevon is becoming one of Tesla’s biggest partners in the deployment of energy storage capacity.

Last year, Tesla and Arevon signed a deal for the former to supply a record amount of 2 GW/6 GWh of Megapack batteries to the latter for several new energy storage projects.

Apr 17, 2022

The universe would not make sense without mathematics

Posted by in categories: mathematics, space

Mathematics is the language of the universe: It is probable that every major scientific discovery has used mathematics in some form.

Apr 17, 2022

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, transportation

Crossrail, or the Elizabeth Line, is set to revolutionize London transport, with high-speed trains running from east to west underneath the UK capital.

Apr 17, 2022

Inside London’s new $25B ‘Super Tube’

Posted by in category: transportation

Crossrail, or the Elizabeth Line, is set to revolutionize London transport, with high-speed trains running from east to west underneath the UK capital.

Apr 17, 2022

Drones, hackers and mercenaries — The future of war | DW Documentary

Posted by in categories: business, cybercrime/malcode, drones, internet, military, surveillance

A shadow war is a war that, officially, does not exist. As mercenaries, hackers and drones take over the role armies once played, shadow wars are on the rise.

States are evading their responsibilities and driving the privatization of violence. War in the grey-zone is a booming business: Mercenaries and digital weaponry regularly carry out attacks, while those giving orders remain in the shadows.

Continue reading “Drones, hackers and mercenaries — The future of war | DW Documentary” »

Apr 17, 2022

A flexible way to grab items with feeling: Engineers develop a robotic gripper with rich sensory capabilities

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The notion of a large metallic robot that speaks in monotone and moves in lumbering, deliberate steps is somewhat hard to shake. But practitioners in the field of soft robotics have an entirely different image in mind—autonomous devices composed of compliant parts that are gentle to the touch, more closely resembling human fingers than R2-D2 or Robby the Robot.

That model is now being pursued by Professor Edward Adelson and his Perceptual Science Group at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). In a recent project, Adelson and Sandra Liu—a mechanical engineering Ph.D. student at CSAIL—have developed a robotic using novel “GelSight Fin Ray” fingers that, like the human hand, is supple enough to manipulate objects. What sets this work apart from other efforts in the field is that Liu and Adelson have endowed their gripper with that can meet or exceed the sensitivity of human skin.

Continue reading “A flexible way to grab items with feeling: Engineers develop a robotic gripper with rich sensory capabilities” »

Apr 16, 2022

New software enables diesel engines to run on alternative fuels

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Illinois Tech designs new engine brains that could reduce emissions.

Apr 16, 2022

What’s the Biggest Laser in the World?

Posted by in category: futurism

I tried to find the single biggest laser in the world, but it turns out I’m spoiled for choice.