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May 14, 2022

NASA InSight Still Hunting Marsquakes as Power Runs Down (News Audio + Visuals)

Posted by in categories: energy, space

In November 2018, NASA InSight landed in the Elysium Planitia region of Mars with the goal of studying the planet’s deep interior for the first time by using seismic signals to learn more about the properties of the planet’s crust, mantle, and core. Join us live at 11 a.m. PT (2 p.m. ET/1800 UTC) on May 17 as agency leadership and mission team members highlight the spacecraft’s science accomplishments, share details on its power situation, and discuss its future.

Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters.
Bruce Banerdt, InSight principal investigator, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Kathya Zamora Garcia, InSight deputy project manager, JPL

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May 14, 2022

Mysterious invisible walls may have been discovered in outer space

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

“Scientists suspect that a ”fifth force” may be at work in space. This force, which they believe is mediated by a hypothetical particle called a symmetron is responsible for creating invisible walls in space.

The walls aren’t necessarily like the walls of a room. Instead, they are more like barriers. And, they could help explain an intriguing part of space that has left astronomers scratching their heads for quite a while.


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May 14, 2022

J. Lyding & L. Grill | Silicon-Based Nanotechnology & Manipulating Single Molecules on Surfaces

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Foresight Molecular Machines Group.
Program & apply to join:

Joe Lyding.
Silicon-Based Nanotechnology: There’s Still Plenty of Room at the Bottom.
Joe Lyding is a distinguished professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinios. His career includes constructing the first atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscope, discovering new industrial uses for deuterium, studying quantum size effects down to 2nm lateral graphene dimensions, and much more. His current research is focused on carbon nanoelectronics. Specifically using carbon nanoelectronics based on carbon nanotubes and graphene for future semiconducting device applications.

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May 14, 2022

Scientists have figured out a way to farm metals from plants

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

According to The Guardian, there’s a team of researchers in northern Greece who have spent the last few years experimenting with ways to harvest metal though agriculture:

In a remote, beautiful field, high in the Pindus mountains in Epirus, they are experimenting with a trio of shrubs known to scientists as “hyperaccumulators”: plants which have evolved the capacity to thrive in naturally metal-rich soils that are toxic to most other kinds of life. They do this by drawing the metal out of the ground and storing it in their leaves and stems, where it can be harvested like any other crop. As well as providing a source for rare metals – in this case nickel, although hyperaccumulators have been found for zinc, aluminium, cadmium and many other metals, including gold – these plants actively benefit the earth by remediating the soil, making it suitable for growing other crops, and by sequestering carbon in their roots. One day, they might supplant more destructive and polluting forms of mining.

Imagine, finding a way to pull minerals out of the Earth … without violent colonization and destructive mining practices. Maybe us lowly humans could learn a thing or two from the flowers!

May 14, 2022

Astronomers might’ve discovered why Saturn’s moon Titan looks like Earth

Posted by in category: space

Titan looks suspiciously like our own planet when you observe it. However, Saturn’s moon and our own Earth couldn’t be any more different. Where landscapes are made of silicate-based sediments on Earth, many believe Titan’s landscapes are made of solid organic compounds. As such, they should be much more fragile than Earth’s. A new study may have figured out how the landscapes on Titan came to be.

May 14, 2022

Experimental Gene Therapy Increases Lifespan Of Mice By 41 Percent In Telomere Lengthening Study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Telomeres are “caps” of non-coding DNA sequences present at both tips of our chromosomes, which are extremely important in the aging process. These caps protect our DNA as cells go through various life cycles of replication, however, each time a cell divides these telomeres are shortened and eventually contribute to disease and cellular aging.

Now, exciting new research published in the Journal PNAS has shown that an experimental gene therapy could be used to halt the shortening of these telomere caps in mice and by doing so increase the life span of these animals by up to 41 percent compared to controls.

Telomere length can be considered a marker of biological age and its shortening is a hallmark of a process called cellular senescence, which limits the replication of DNA in old damaged cells. As we age, telomere caps become shorter and shorter until the cell’s DNA becomes vulnerable to damage by cellular stresses that could lead to diseases such as cancer. Or the cell could ultimately reach senescence where it will no longer be able to replicate and so contribute to the aging process. For scientists looking at how to slow or even reverse aging, telomeres are of great interest.

May 13, 2022

Scientists just brought light-sensing cells in human eyes back to life

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Death may be the most uncanny topic to discuss for human beings. Even thinking about it is uncomfortable for some people.

To eliminate the mystery behind it, researchers worldwide are conducting scientific studies on death and coming up with surprising results, such as when researchers captured brainwaves during an individual’s death and found semblance to high cognition activities.

And now, a team of scientists from the U.S. may have found a way to revive a glimmer of activity in human eyes after death. According to a study published yesterday (May 11, 2022) in the journal Nature, the team has managed to revive the connections between light-sensing neurons in organ donor eyes.

May 13, 2022

Unreal Engine 5 opens new doors for architectural visualization

Posted by in category: futurism

Many of the new features in Unreal Engine 5 aren’t only suited to craft next-generation games, but represent new potential for other industries as well!

Today,… See more.

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May 13, 2022

The Hilbert Space of Quantum Gravity Is Locally Finite-Dimensional

Posted by in category: quantum physics

We argue in a model-independent way that the Hilbert space of quantum gravity is locally finite-dimensional. In other words, the density operator describing the state corresponding to a small region of space, when such a notion makes sense, is defined on a finite-dimensional factor of a larger Hilbert space. Because quantum gravity potentially describes superpo-sitions of different geometries, it is crucial that we associate Hilbert-space factors with spatial regions only on individual decohered branches of the universal wave function. We discuss some implications of this claim, including the fact that quantum field theory cannot be a fundamental description of Nature.

May 13, 2022

With chromosome find, Israelis open possible new path to fight infertility

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Israeli scientists say they have opened a possible new path to fighting infertility, by identifying a mechanism that seems to harm eggs when it malfunctions.

In peer-reviewed research published on Thursday in the journal Science, a team of Hebrew University researchers outline a mechanism they identified in studies of zebrafish and mice.

They say it plays a key role in ensuring that chromosomes inside eggs are organized correctly, so that they can be fertilized and produce healthy offspring.