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New research from the University of California, Irvine, suggests aging is an important component of retinal ganglion cell death in glaucoma, and that novel pathways can be targeted when designing new treatments for glaucoma patients.

The study was published today in Aging Cell. Along with her colleagues, Dorota Skowronska‐Krawczyk, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Departments of Physiology & Biophysics and Ophthalmology and the faculty of the Center for Translational Vision Research at the UCI School of Medicine, describes the transcriptional and happening in aging retina.

The team shows how stress, such as (IOP) elevation in the eye, causes to undergo epigenetic and transcriptional changes similar to natural aging. And, how in young retinal tissue, repetitive stress induces features of accelerated aging including the accelerated epigenetic age.

Circa 2012

Researchers have identified seven genetic markers linked with a woman’s breast size, according to a new study.

While it’s was known that breast size is in part heritable, the study is the first to find specific genetic factors that are associated with differences in breast size, the researchers said.

Circa 2020 Basically this means a magnetic transistor can have not only quantum properties but also it can have nearly infinite speeds for processing speeds. Which means we can have nanomachines with near infinite speeds eventually.

Abstract The discovery of spin superfluidity in antiferromagnetic superfluid 3He is a remarkable discovery associated with the name of Andrey Stanislavovich Borovik-Romanov. After 30 years, quantum effects in a magnon gas (such as the magnon Bose–Einstein condensate and spin superfluidity) have become quite topical. We consider analogies between spin superfluidity and superconductivity. The results of quantum calculations using a 53-bit programmable superconducting processor have been published quite recently[1]. These results demonstrate the advantage of using the quantum algorithm of calculations with this processor over the classical algorithm for some types of calculations. We consider the possibility of constructing an analogous (in many respecys) processor based on spin superfluidity.

Circa 2016 😗

Last month, Google’s AI division, DeepMind, announced that its computer had defeated Europe’s Go champion in five straight games. Go, a strategy game played on a 19×19 grid, is exponentially more difficult for a computer to master than chess—there are 20 possible moves to choose from at the start of a chess game compared to 361 moves in Go—and the announcement was lauded as another landmark moment in the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Or, at least, living neurons. His startup, Koniku, which just completed a stint at the biotech accelerator IndieBio, touts itself as “the first and only company on the planet building chips with biological neurons.” Rather than simply mimic brain function with chips, Agabi hopes to flip the script and borrow the actual material of human brains to create the chips.

Watch the Full Video at…ideos-2022.

In Vivo Tracking of Edema Development and Microvascular Pathology in a Model of Experimental Cerebral Malaria Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging — a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol.

Angelika Hoffmann, Xavier Helluy, Manuel Fischer, Ann-Kristin Mueller, Sabine Heiland, Mirko Pham, Martin Bendszus, Johannes Pfeil.
Heidelberg University Hospital, Department of Neuroradiology; Heidelberg University Hospital, Division of Experimental Radiology, Department of Neuroradiology; Ruhr-University Bochum, NeuroImaging Centre Research, Department of Neuroscience; Heidelberg University Hospital, Centre for Infectious Diseases, Parasitology Unit; German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF),; University of Würzburg, Department of Neuroradiology; Heidelberg University Hospital, Center for Childhood and Adolescent Medicine, General Pediatrics;

We describe a mouse model of experimental cerebral malaria and show how inflammatory and microvascular pathology can be tracked in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging.