At Connect 2022, Facebook-turned-Meta Mark Zuckerberg and a fellow metaverse exec both appeared as their new, legged avatars. But only they had legs.
Police in Oakland are hoping to arm robots with potentially lethal shotgun-like attachments. Why? Because that’s the reality we live in now.
As The Intercept reports, the Oakland police force made a “percussion actuated nonelectric disruptor,” or PAN disruptor, a top-priority item on their wish list last year.
In short, PAN is a shotgun-shaped accessory attachment for wheeled robots, which are often deployed in war zones and by bomb squads.
Meta-formerly-Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled his new avatar for the company’s bespoke Metaverse — and it still looks like total crap.
A famine is increasingly likely in East Africa as rains fail for the fourth consecutive year. Violent conflicts in the Horn of Africa are undermining efforts to help the populations in need.
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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a discovery of a huge galactic structure behind the Milky Way in the hidden Zone of Avoidance.
Great attractor mystery:
Great debate:
#zoneofavoidance #milkyway #mystery.
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Yes, conceivably. And if/when we achieve the levels of technology necessary for simulation, the universe will become our playground.
The universe may seem shapeless because it is so vast, but it does have a form that astronomers can observe. So, what is it shaped like?
Physicists think the universe is flat. Several lines of evidence point to this flat universe: light left over from the Big Bang, the rate of expansion of the universe at different locations, and the way the universe “looks” from different angles, experts told Live Science.
Sea anemones are seemingly immortal animals. They seem to be immune to aging and the negative impacts that humans experience over time. However, the exact reasons for their eternal youth are not completely understood.
The genetic fingerprint of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis reveals that members of this incredibly ancient animal phylum employ the same gene cascades for neural cell differentiation as more complex organisms. These genes are also in charge of maintaining the balance of all cells in the organism during the anemone’s lifetime. These findings were recently published in the journal Cell Reports by a group of developmental biologists headed by Ulrich Technau of the University of Vienna.
Almost all animal organisms are made up of millions, if not billions, of cells that join together in intricate ways to create specific tissues and organs, which are made up of a range of cell types, such as a variety of neurons and gland cells. However, it is unclear how this critical balance of diverse cell types emerges, how it is regulated, and if the different cell types of different animal organisms have a common origin.
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Every day brings us new technological advances, today we’ll explore many of those of such as robotics, automation, rapid delivery, education, medical science, nanotechnology, and more.
Episodes referenced in the Episode:
Power Satellites:
Fusion Power:
Quiet Revolution:
The Santa Claus Machine:
Synthetic Meat:
Mind Augmentation:
Mind-Machine Interfaces:
Life Extension
The Science of Aging:
Happily Ever After:
Attack of the Drones:
Advanced Metamaterials:
Portable Power:
The Nuclear Option:
Moon: Industrial Complex:
Machine Rebellion:
The Paperclip Maximizer:
Technological Stagnation: Coming Soon.
Non-Carbon Based Life: Coming Soon.
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Scientists have discovered proof of a strange particle that strangely enough is also its own antiparticle. Even though it was initially postulated 80 years ago, it now seems that it just could be true.
Scientists from the University of California and Stanford University in California performed the research that was published in the journal Science. A particle might have its own antiparticle, according to a notion initially put out in 1937 by Italian scientist Ettore Majorana (who suddenly vanished in 1938). According to him, certain particles in the fermion class, which includes protons, electrons, and neutrons, ought to have unique antiparticles. These particles later came to be known as Majorana particles.
A particle with the same mass as a normal particle but the opposite electric or magnetic properties is said to be an antiparticle. The positron, for instance, is the antiparticle of the electron. If the two come into contact, they destroy one another.