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Matter outflows in the form of jets are observed in astronomical systems at fast, medium and slow speeds. The fastest jets are highly relativistic, and travel very close to the speed of light. The origin, as well as many properties of the jets, is uncertain. Jet velocities seem to have a bi-modal distribution—some very fast and others slow, with a gap in velocities in between, which has long challenged experts. Bar-Ilan University researchers re-examined the data and have now seemingly solved the puzzle.

In many different galactic and extragalactic systems, emission of matter is commonly observed in the form of jets. The at which this occurs greatly varies. Alongside relatively slow jets associated with or binary star systems, very fast, relativistic jets are seen at speeds very close to the speed of light. The fastest known jets are associated with a phenomenon known as .

This phenomenon is characterized by an initial flash of gamma rays lasting for a few seconds, in which a strong emission of gamma radiation is visible. It is then followed by an afterglow lasting a much longer period of hours, days and even months. During this epoch, the emission subsequently fades and is observed as lower wavelengths, X-rays, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio frequencies very late in the process.

Physical systems evolve at a particular speed, which depends on various factors including the system’s so-called topological structure (i.e., spatial properties that are preserved over time despite any physical changes that occur). Existing methods for determining the speed at which physical systems change over time, however, do not account for these structural properties.

Two researchers at Keio University in Japan have recently derived a speed limit for the evolution of physical states that also accounts for the topological structure of a system and of its underlying dynamics. This speed limit, outlined in a paper published in Physical Review Letters, could have numerous valuable applications for the study and development of different , including quantum technologies.

“Figuring out how fast a system state can change is a central topic in classical and , which has attracted the great interest of scientists,” Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito, the researchers who carried out the study, told “Understanding the mechanism of controlling time is relevant to engineering fast devices such as quantum computers.”

The U.S.-based Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announces at 9:45 a.m. ET on Jan. 24 the location of the minute hand on its closely watched Doomsday Clock, indicating what world developments mean for the perceived likelihood of nuclear catastrophe.⭕️Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed with accurate news without spin. 👉 If the link is blocked, type in manually to sign up there.

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When scientists revealed they’d received radio signals from a galaxy nine billion light years away we all got a bit excited with the hopes that maybe this was finally aliens trying to contact us. We’re always on the lookout for extra-terrestrial life, even if plenty of our movies about finally meeting aliens involves them killing us horribly until we figure out how to kill them right back.

The World Futures Day by The Millennium Project, in cooperation with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, Lifeboat Foundation, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), will take place on March 1st for the 10th year!

The call for facilitators is now open: support the World Futures Day by picking a one hour time slot where you will help to facilitate the discussion — such as the slot at 12 noon in your local area. If you want to be part of the team, please use this form.


With this new investment, OpenAI will look further to independently “develop and research AI that is increasingly safe, useful, and powerful,” the press release added. OpenAI’s recently unveiled product, ChatGPT, has already made global news for its conversational style of answering people’s queries, which is being looked at as a threat to Google’s business model.

It is powerful enough to maneuver over obstacles.

The University of Illinois researchers’ newly developed insect-sized jumping robots will do tasks in small and tight places. The creation of jumping robots is also a significant advance in mechanical, agricultural, and search-and-rescue environments, according to the university.

Led by Prof. Sameh Tawfick, a new study demonstrates a succession of click-beetle-sized robots that are quick enough to match an insect’s speedy escape time, powerful enough to maneuver over obstacles, and small enough to slip into confined spaces.