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AUSTIN, Texas — Just as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning emerge as the fastest-growing in-demand skill sets in the global workforce, The University of Texas at Austin is establishing a new online master’s program in AI with the potential to bring thousands of new students into the field.

Delivered by the Department of Computer Science and Machine Learning Laboratory, the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) will be the first large-scale degree program of its kind and the only master’s degree program in AI from a top-ranked institution to be priced close to $10,000. The master’s degree covers about two years’ worth of course content, to be taken at the learner’s own pace, and will be delivered in partnership with online education platform, edX.

AI master’s programs from peer institutions carry costs five to 10 times as high as UT Austin’s and serve only dozens of students – not the hundreds or thousands the Texas team projects it will reach annually within five years. Similarly priced online master’s programs from the university, in computer science and data science, enroll 2,500 students within less than five years of their launch. Like those programs, the fully online MSAI program is both flexible and accessible.

They were also able to make a cute little LEGO man out of MPTM that liquefies itself and moves through the bars of a cage. Though the robot appears to self-coalesce into its original shape on the other side, Majidi clarified that it was manually recast by the team and then put back into the shot.

“It’s almost T-1000-like in the sense that you have that figurine and it melts into a blob, and it gets sucked through those jail bars,” Majidi said, adding that the villainous assassin android served as an inspiration for the robot.

An overview of the possibilities of life on Mars and recent science that suggests that it may have gone extinct by its own doing.

An exploration of time scales and time passage and its relation to the Fermi Paradox as a straightforwards solution.

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More than one-third of UK health experts are not aware of Charles Bonnet syndrome — CBS — a condition which can cause vivid, and sometimes frightening, hallucinations.

A poll of 1,100 health experts — including GPs, doctors and optometrists — found 37 per cent were not aware of CBS.

The condition is not caused by mental health problems or dementia. It is purely due to a loss of sight — 60 per cent or more — which reduces or stops the regular messages from the eye to the brain.

The human brain is a complex system exhibiting multi-scale spatiotemporal organization. In this talk, I will provide an overview of my lab’s work on large-scale functional network organization across different timescales. First, I will present a biophysically plausible model of second-level fluctuation in the brain’s functional connectivity patterns. I will then discuss how minute-level task-state changes can predict behavioral traits. This is followed by exploring how brain dynamics can vary over the course of a day. Finally, I will discuss our work on estimating individual-level network markers that are stable across weeks and months.

This video is part of the SNAC seminar series organized by Mac Shine, Joe Lizier, and Ben Fulcher (The University of Sydney).