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Aug 16, 2022

The Senate’s plan to cap insulin costs leaves millions of diabetics without relief

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

More than 1 in 5 people on private insurance pay more $35 a month for insulin. This bill won’t help them.

Aug 16, 2022

Future of mining 2040

Posted by in category: futurism

As the world’s values shift, how do miners demonstrate theirs? Find our latest insights by visiting

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Aug 16, 2022

Why A Looming Copper Shortage Has Big Consequences For The Green Economy

Posted by in categories: economics, energy, sustainability, transportation

Copper prices have surged in 2021. The base metal remains in high demand, much thanks to its need in green energy projects and electric cars. In May 2021, commodities analysts at Goldman Sachs called copper ‘the new oil.’ That’s because electric cars need several times more copper than their gas-powered counterparts. And power grids getting electricity from wind, solar and hydro sources also need copper—much more than the industry is currently producing. Here’s how copper became so important to the world economy and the green energy revolution.

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Aug 16, 2022

Scientists restored dead pigs’ cell function and heartbeats, blurring the line between life and death

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance

Revival of pig tissue could pave the way for salvaging more human organs for transplant, and even bringing people back to life hours after death.

Aug 16, 2022

Coin-sized wearable biosensing platform for digital health

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, computing, health, neuroscience, wearables

A team of researchers in the Faculty of Engineering of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has developed a coin-sized system that can read weak electrochemical signals and can be used for personalized health monitoring and the measurement of such conditions as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mental health. The discovery was featured on the cover of Analytical Chemistry.

The PERfECT System—an acronym for Personalized Electronic Reader for Electrochemical Transistors—is the world’s smallest system of its kind, measuring 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm x 0.2 cm and weighing only 0.4 gram. It is easily wearable, for instance integrated with a smartwatch or as a patch, to allow for continuous monitoring of biosignals such as glucose levels and antibody concentrations in blood and even sweat.

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Aug 16, 2022

Snoozing in flower beds? Behold the bears of summer

Posted by in category: futurism

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A photographer spends two months in the Canadian Arctic and reveals a softer side of the world’s largest terrestrial predator.

Aug 16, 2022

Virginia Wades Into Offshore Wind Race, Bigly

Posted by in categories: energy, sustainability

Virginia is going from near-zero wind power to 2.6 gigawatts all at once, with the approval of a new offshore wind plan for Dominion Energy.

California is making waves with a big announcement of big plans for offshore wind, but the Golden State already hosts hundreds of wind turbines on shore. The really big news on the wind front is all the way across the country in Virginia, which has practically zero megawatts to its credit, onshore or off. That’s about to change all at once. Utility regulators in Virginia just stamped their seal of approval on a massive, Texas-sized offshore wind farm to the tune of 176 wind turbines totaling almost 2.6 gigawatts.

Wait, How Does An Offshore Wind Turbine Get To 14.7 Megawatts?

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Aug 16, 2022

Physicists Finally Measure a Long Theorized Molecule Made From Light and Matter

Posted by in category: particle physics

Physicists have just caught light acting the part of ‘glue’ between atoms, in a kind of loosely bonded molecule.

“We have succeeded for the first time in polarizing several atoms together in a controlled way, creating a measurable attractive force between them,” says University of Innsbruck physicist Matthias Sonnleitner.

Atoms connect to form molecules in a variety of ways, all involving a trade of charges as a kind of ‘superglue’.

Aug 16, 2022

Scientists create quality concrete with 100% tire-rubber aggregate

Posted by in categories: materials, particle physics

We’ve recently heard about efforts to replace some of the aggregate used in concrete with crumbled used tires. Now, scientists have succeeded in producing good quality concrete in which all of the aggregate has been replaced with tire particles.

In recent years, we’ve heard about efforts to replace some of the aggregate used in concrete with crumbled used tires. Now, however, scientists have succeeded in producing good quality concrete in which all of the aggregate has been replaced with tire particles.

Concrete consists of three parts: water, a cement which binds everything together, and an aggregate such as sand or gravel. That aggregate has to be mined from the ground, and is actually now in short supply in many parts of the world.

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Aug 16, 2022

Small nuclear reactors finally get the nod from regulators, but they still have a lot to prove

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

The new technology comes at a time when nuclear’s contribution to the overall energy sector is fading.