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Aug 30, 2022

Robert Long–Artificial Sentience, Digital Minds

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI, terrorism

Robert Long is a research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute. His work is at the intersection of the philosophy of AI Safety and consciousness of AI. We talk about the recent LaMDA controversy, Ilya Sutskever’s slightly conscious tweet, the metaphysics and philosophy of consciousness, artificial sentience, and how a future filled with digital minds could get really weird.

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Aug 30, 2022

Can Science Halt Hurricanes?

Posted by in categories: climatology, science

Tropical cyclones are nature’s most powerful storms. Can they be stopped?

Aug 30, 2022

Chemist shows that intermolecular interactions can attain previously unknown dimensions

Posted by in category: energy

Intermolecular interactions are the forces that pertain between molecules. In general, these interactions scarcely extend beyond the boundaries of molecules. For the most part, they are effective over distances of less than 1 nanometer (10-9 m).

The largest distances discovered to date were in energy transmissions, where almost 10 nanometers were reached. A team led by LMU chemist Heinz Langhals has now found which, to the astonishment of the scientists, extend beyond 100 .

The researchers were able to demonstrate this using the concentration-dependent fluorescence decay time of dyes. “In this way, molecules can not only interact with their neighbors, but do so up to almost macroscopic dimensions,” says Langhals.

Aug 30, 2022

Quantum AI Breakthrough: New Theorem Shrinks Need for Training Data

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, robotics/AI

Aug. 24, 2022 — Training a quantum neural network requires only a small amount of data, according to a new proof that upends previous assumptions stemming from classical computing’s huge appetite for data in machine learning, or artificial intelligence. The theorem has several direct applications, including more efficient compiling for quantum computers and distinguishing phases of matter for materials discovery.

“Many people believe that quantum machine learning will require a lot of data. We have rigorously shown that for many relevant problems, this is not the case,” said Lukasz Cincio, a quantum theorist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and co-author of the paper containing the proof published in the journal Nature Communications. “This provides new hope for quantum machine learning. We’re closing the gap between what we have today and what’s needed for quantum advantage, when quantum computers outperform classical computers.”

“The need for large data sets could have been a roadblock to quantum AI, but our work removes this roadblock. While other issues for quantum AI could still exist, at least now we know that the size of the data set is not an issue,” said Patrick Coles, a quantum theorist at the Laboratory and co-author of the paper.

Aug 30, 2022

Your home could be heated

Posted by in category: energy

An Israeli energy startup has developed a microturbine that can run on 50% hydrogen gas – next up one that runs on 100% of the clean green gas.

Aug 30, 2022

Post Scarcity Civilizations

Posted by in category: futurism

Isaac arthur postscarcity civilizations.

A look into high-tech civilizations of the future who citizens seemingly lack for nothing.

Aug 30, 2022

Engineers develop novel material that can think and sense

Posted by in categories: materials, neuroscience

The soft, polymer material acts like a brain, simultaneously sensing, thinking, and acting.

Aug 30, 2022

Interview: Apollo vs Orion, The Key Differences Explained by Lockheed Martin Personnel

Posted by in category: space travel

The Lockheed Martin Orion is the latest arrival of a human-rated spacecraft slated to take humans beyond the bounds of Low Earth Orbit and close to the surface of another heavenly body. But for all its grace, sophistication, and dedicated design team, there are undoubtedly public misconceptions surrounding the ship.

Aug 30, 2022

Ordinary computers can beat Google’s quantum computer after all

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

Superfast algorithm put crimp in 2019 claim that Google’s machine had achieved “quantum supremacy”.

Aug 30, 2022

Physics breakthrough could lead to efficient quantum computers

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

German scientists at the Max Planck Institutes have experimentally pushed the limits of quantum technology.