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Jun 28, 2022

Police in China Stalk Citizens With Surveillance That Predicts Future Crime

Posted by in categories: government, surveillance

Police in China are putting surveillance on the future with footage, data and patterns of residents and reporting troublemakers to the government.

Jun 28, 2022

Dyslexia Actually Grants Special Powers, Researchers Say

Posted by in categories: futurism, neuroscience

As much as 20 percent of the global population could actually be better at exploration and curiosity, according to a new study published this week.

A team of Cambridge scientists published research in the journal Frontiers of Psychology earlier today that raises the possibility that dyslexia, which affects an estimated one in five people worldwide, could actually help the human species adapt and ensure future success.

“The deficit-centered view of dyslexia isn’t telling the whole story,” lead author Helen Taylor said in a statement accompanying the paper. “This research proposes a new framework to help us better understand the cognitive strengths of people with dyslexia.”

Jun 28, 2022

Police Arrest Two for Plan to Harvest Child’s Organs

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A Nigerian senator and his wife were arressted in the UK for trying to harvest organs from a child. Human organ harvest is common globally.

Jun 28, 2022

Google Engineer Says Lawyer Hired

Posted by in categories: physics, robotics/AI

Suspended Google engineer Blake Lemoine made some serious headlines earlier this month when he claimed that one of the company’s experimental AIs called LaMDA had achieved sentience — prompting the software giant to place him on administrative leave.

“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a seven-year-old, eight-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” he told the Washington Post at the time.

The subsequent news cycle swept up AI experts, philosophers, and Google itself into a fierce debate about the current and possible future capabilities of machine learning, other ethical concerns around the tech, and even the nature of consciousness and sentience. The general consensus, it’s worth noting, was that the AI is almost certainly not sentient.

Jun 28, 2022

AI Dreamed Up a Bizarre Nightmare Creature That Doesn’t Actually Exist… We Hope

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Straight from the depths of AI hell hails Crungus — or somewhere like that, because until a few days ago, nobody knew this thing existed.

Jun 28, 2022

Startup Says It’s Honing in on Simple Solution for Practical Fusion Power

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, sustainability

Yet another startup says it’s nearing tests for a system that could once and for all prove the technology can actually generate more energy than it consumes, The New York Times reports.

Seattle-based startup Zap Energy says its approach to fusion energy — potentially an entirely green source of renewable energy — is far simpler and cheaper than other attempts.

But critics are crying foul, arguing that we’re merely stuck in yet another round of “fusion energy fever,” according to the report.

Jun 28, 2022

Scientists Show Off “Wearable Muscles” You Can Strap on to Get Way Stronger

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, wearables

A team of researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland have created an intriguing new exosuit that’s designed to give its wearer an extra layer of muscles.

The suit is intended to give those with limited mobility back their strength — and early trials are already showing plenty of potential, the scientists say.

The soft “wearable exomuscle,” dubbed the Myoshirt, automatically detects its wearer’s movement intentions and use actuators to literally take some of the load off.

Jun 28, 2022

Kenyan Engineer Invents Method to Turn Waste Plastic Into Sturdy Construction Bricks

Posted by in categories: habitats, materials

A 30-year-old Kenyan engineer named Nzambi Matee has come up with a promising way to upcycle plastic trash that would’ve otherwise landed in landfills — by pressing it, with the addition of sand, into sturdy bricks and paving stones.

Her Nairobi-based company, Gjenge Makers, produces a variety of different paving stones, which are already being put to use to line sidewalks, driveways, and roads.

Continue reading “Kenyan Engineer Invents Method to Turn Waste Plastic Into Sturdy Construction Bricks” »

Jun 28, 2022

Scientists Say the Sun Is Acting Up and Causing Satellites to Fall Back to Earth

Posted by in category: satellites

Most folks probably don’t think of satellites as capable of sinking, but according to the European Space Agency they can and do.

Space news site Space. com reported Thursday that ESA scientists had to raise the Swarm constellation satellites, which measure Earth’s magnetic field, because they were sinking in chaotic space weather.

“In the last five, six years, the satellites were sinking about two and a half kilometers [1.5 miles] a year,” Swarm mission managerAnja Stromme, ESA’s told “But since December last year, they have been virtually diving. The sink rate between December and April has been 20 kilometers [12 miles] per year.”

Jun 28, 2022

New nanosensor targets dopamine

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Technique probes dopamine concentrations at the subcellular level.