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One more. I hope it’s not posted yet. Even AI isn’t safe.

ChatGPT creator OpenAI has confirmed a data breach caused by a bug in an open source library, just as a cybersecurity firm noticed that a recently introduced component is affected by an actively exploited vulnerability.

OpenAI said on Friday that it had taken the chatbot offline earlier in the week while it worked with the maintainers of the Redis data platform to patch a flaw that resulted in the exposure of user information.

The issue was related to ChatGPT’s use of Redis-py, an open source Redis client library, and it was introduced by a change made by OpenAI on March 20.

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry investigated the changes in gene expressions during an overfeeding episode. It demonstrated that supplementation of grape polyphenols in healthy lean men modulates the expression of genes related to adipose tissue angiogenesis.

Research Paper: Adipose tissue angiogenesis genes are down-regulated by grape polyphenols supplementation during a human overfeeding trial. Image Credit: Basico / Shutterstock.

Vow, an Australian cultivated food company that creates meat in a laboratory setting from animal cells, says that it has used advanced molecular engineering to resurrect the woolly mammoth in meatball form, by combining original mammoth DNA with fragments of an African elephant’s DNA.

James Ryall, Vow’s chief science officer, said that the company first identified the mammoth myoglobin, a protein that is key to giving meat its color and taste, and then used publicly available data to identify the DNA sequence in mammoths.

Australian company Vow says it has used advanced molecular engineering to resurrect the woolly mammoth in meatball form.

Caltech engineers have made a significant breakthrough in the field of nano-and micro-architected materials by creating a novel material composed of multiple interconnected microscale knots.

Compared to structurally identical but unknotted materials, the presence of knots in this new material significantly enhances its toughness by enabling it to absorb more energy and deform more before returning to its original shape without any damage. These new knotted materials may find applications in biomedicine as well as in aerospace applications due to their durability, possible biocompatibility, and extreme deformability.

“The capability to overcome the general trade-off between material deformability and tensile toughness [the ability to be stretched without breaking] offers new ways to design devices that are extremely flexible, durable, and can operate in extreme conditions,” says former Caltech graduate student Widianto P. Moestopo (MS ‘19, Ph.D. ’22), now at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Moestopo is the lead author of a paper on the nanoscale.

FallenKingdomReads’ list of five must-read science fiction books for fans of The Matrix.

This dystopian novel is the basis for the classic film Blade Runner, and it explores a world devastated by nuclear war where bounty hunter Rick Deckard must retire six rogue androids.

In this novel, human consciousness is digitized and can be transferred between bodies, leading to an interstellar conspiracy that draws the protagonist Takeshi into a thrilling adventure.

Nita Farahany, professor of law and philosophy at Duke University, has written a new book, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology (Macmillan), which explores how our lives may be impacted by the use of brain-computer interfaces and neural monitoring devices.

Farahany argues that the development and use of neurotech presents a challenge to our current understanding of human rights. Devices designed to measure, record, and influence our mental processes—used by us or on us—may infringe on our rights to mental privacy, freedom of thought, and mental self-determination. She calls this collection of freedoms the right to cognitive liberty. IEEE Spectrum spoke with Farahany recently about the future and present of neurotech and how to weigh its promises—enhanced capabilities, for instance, including bionics and prosthetics and even a third arm —against its potential to interfere with people’s mental sovereignty.

portrait of a smiling woman on a white background
Author, Nita FarahanyMerritt Chesson.


Eukaryotes generate the energy for survival through cellular respiration in mitochondria by a process known as the oxidative phosphorylation. In this process, nutrients and oxygen are converted into a chemical form of energy: ATP. This is achieved with a proton gradient built up by the electron transport chain inside mitochondria.

The gradient is driven by a series of four respiratory complexes in the inner mitochondrial . A new study published in Nature combined tomography and molecular simulations to shed light on bioenergetic macro-assemblies and how they shape mitochondrial membranes. It identified that in Tetrahymena thermophila—a free-living single cell eukaryote found in ponds and lakes—all four respiratory complexes are associated.

They form a massive 5.8 megadalton supercomplex of 150 proteins with at least 300 transmembrane helices and 311 lipids. Owing to subunit acquisition and extension, Complex I binds a dimer of Complex III that is tilted by 37 degrees. Complex I also associates with the Complex IV dimer, generating a gap that serves as a for Complex II.