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Reported here are experiments that show that ribonucleoside triphosphates are converted to polyribonucleic acid when incubated with rock glasses similar to those likely present 4.3−4.4 billion years ago on the Hadean Earth surface, where they were formed by impacts and volcanism. This polyribonucleic acid averages 100–300 nucleotides in length, with a substantial fraction of 3’,-5’-dinucleotide linkages. Chemical analyses, including classical methods that were used to prove the structure of natural RNA, establish a polyribonucleic acid structure for these products. The polyribonucleic acid accumulated and was stable for months, with a synthesis rate of 2 × 10-3 pmoles of triphosphate polymerized each hour per gram of glass (25°C, pH 7.5). These results suggest that polyribonucleotides were available to Hadean environments if triphosphates were. As many proposals are emerging describing how triphosphates might have been made on the Hadean Earth, the process observed here offers an important missing step in models for the prebiotic synthesis of RNA.

Keywords: Impact glasses; Mafic rocks; Nucleoside triphosphates; Origin of life; Prebiotic chemistry; RNA world.

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An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase ribozyme that was highly optimized through in vitro evolution for the ability to copy a broad range of template sequences exhibits promiscuity toward other nucleic acids and nucleic acid analogues, including DNA, threose nucleic acid (TNA), and arabinose nucleic acid (ANA). By operating on various RNA templates, the ribozyme catalyzes multiple successive additions of DNA, TNA, or ANA monomers, although with reduced efficiency compared to RNA monomers. The ribozyme can also copy DNA or TNA templates to complementary RNAs, and to a lesser extent it can operate when both the template and product strands are composed of DNA, TNA, or ANA. These results suggest that polymerase ribozymes, which are thought to have replicated RNA genomes during the early history of life, could have transferred RNA-based genetic information to and from DNA, enabling the emergence of DNA genomes prior to the emergence of proteins. In addition, genetic systems based on nucleic acid-like molecules, which have been proposed as precursors or contemporaries of RNA-based life, could have been operated upon by a promiscuous polymerase ribozyme, thus enabling the evolutionary transition between early genetic systems.

Keywords: RNA world; XNA; origins of life; polymerase; reverse transcriptase; ribozyme.

Genetic information storage and processing rely on just two polymers, DNA and RNA, yet whether their role reflects evolutionary history or fundamental functional constraints is currently unknown. With the use of polymerase evolution and design, we show that genetic information can be stored in and recovered from six alternative genetic polymers based on simple nucleic acid architectures not found in nature [xeno-nucleic acids (XNAs)]. We also select XNA aptamers, which bind their targets with high affinity and specificity, demonstrating that beyond heredity, specific XNAs have the capacity for Darwinian evolution and folding into defined structures. Thus, heredity and evolution, two hallmarks of life, are not limited to DNA and RNA but are likely to be emergent properties of polymers capable of information storage.

Female robots are a technological marvel, and many of us could not even tell the difference between a real woman and a female robot. Have you seen female robots such as Harmony and Erica? You cannot spot a distinction to tell that they are robots. But are they created just to satisfy the needs of men?

Have you ever thought of a civilization where human robots rule? Such a situation is not very far away if the current AI trends continue. Experts are expecting such a dramatic change within the mid-2030s. Today we will discuss the scary situation when robots act smarter than humans. An apt movie showing this situation is the 2014 award-winning science fiction movie Ex Machina where the robots become more competent and, in the end, dangerous.

Robots trigger the emotions of men, as a female robot especially. The only thing that robots lack compared to us humans is emotions and expression. We always think that we humans are the ones triggering the humanoid robots. But it is not always true. Robots will do programmed duties, but the thing is that they can even do things on their own which are out of the control of the scientists. This includes falling in love too! You must have heard the news of people marrying sex robots. But how is it possible? It is just a piece of metal. That could be your reaction, but that is how influencing a fembot can become.

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This video gets into two significant reasons why women dread the rise of sexbots. Sex robots are a mystique and a new innovation that will revolutionize how we consider sexual dynamics. Due to today’s gender war and rise of sexless men AI technologies are now hitting the market with a boom. While still overpriced an uncommon here in the U.S the artificial intelligence technogies are sure to make your experience more lifelike.

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The world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, will be able to grow 30,000 babies a year. It’s based on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research conducted by researchers worldwide which we will cover in this video.

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This is pretty cool, I just learned from our Felix Schlang that SpaceX operates a hovercraft, kinda of like the hovercraft that Luke used in the original Star Wars movie.

SpaceX is using this to get between two locations that are about an hour apart by road, but only 15 minutes apart via sea. A hovercraft hovers over land or water and is ideal for this purpose.

Here’s a short video of the hovercraft in action:

Here’s Felix’s video that mentions the hovercraft:

The morning ride from South Padre Island to SpaceX build site in south Texas.