A scientist has predicted that men could live for as long as 141 years and women could reach over 130.
Scientists believe they may have found the secret to living past the age of 100. To some, the thought of living into your hundreds is a dream, while for others, it’s the complete opposite. But it seems that 70 percent of American adults actually want to live to 100, a 2022 poll by Edward Jones and Age Wave of 11,000 people revealed.
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The ‘Hawking radiation’ emitted by black holes may be able to carry crucial information, a new study suggests. Scientists may have just found the solution to one of astrophysics most mind-boggling mysteries concerning black holes, also known as the ‘Hawking information paradox’. A study published in the journal Physics Letters B last month offers a resolution to a problem the late physicist Stephen Hawking was working on in his final years.
A team of biomedical researchers has developed a non-invasive, more accurate, and inexpensive “aging clock” for tracking and slowing human aging by examining retinal images and using trained deep-learning models of the eye’s fundus (the deepest area of the eye), using a new “eyeAge” system.
The researchers are affiliated with Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Google Research, Google Health, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education, and Research (India), and University of California, San Francisco.
Tracking eye changes that accompany aging and age-related diseases: the eyeAge system.
The AirCar — a car-airplane hybrid vehicle with a 600+ mile range — is now officially “airworthy” in the European Union.
I hacked my brain with a compact electroencephalogram (EEG) and connected it to GPT-4 with the OpenAI API. In this crazy tutorial, you’ll learn how to use JavaScript to read your brainwaves.
#tech #javascript #science.
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Researchers have designed a 3D-patterned, graphene.
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a single layer of atoms in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice in which one atom forms each vertex. It is the basic structural element of other allotropes of carbon, including graphite, charcoal, carbon nanotubes, and fullerenes. In proportion to its thickness, it is about 100 times stronger than the strongest steel.
The universe is expanding, but how fast exactly? The answer appears to depend on whether you estimate the cosmic expansion rate—referred to as the Hubble’s constant, or H0—based on the echo of the Big Bang (the cosmic microwave background, or CMB) or you measure H0 directly based on today’s stars and galaxies. This problem, known as the Hubble tension, has puzzled astrophysicists and cosmologists around the world.
A study carried out by the Stellar Standard Candles and Distances research group, led by Richard Anderson at EPFL’s Institute of Physics, adds a new piece to the puzzle. Their research, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, has achieved the most accurate calibration of Cepheid stars—a type of variable star whose luminosity fluctuates over a defined period—for distance measurements to date based on data collected by the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Gaia mission. This new calibration further amplifies the Hubble tension.
The Hubble constant (H0) is named after the astrophysicist who—together with Georges Lemaître—discovered the phenomenon in the late 1920s. It’s measured in kilometers per second per megaparsec (km/s/Mpc), where 1 Mpc is around 3.26 million light years.