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Nov 20, 2022

Elon Musk ends Trump’s Twitter ban

Posted by in category: Elon Musk

Former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account has been reinstated following a permanent ban in January 2021.

On Friday, new Twitter owner Elon Musk posted a poll asking if Trump should be allowed back on the platform. Just over 15 million people voted, with 51.8% voting in favor of reinstating Trump on Twitter.

As of July 2022, when Twitter filed its last quarterly earnings report before going private, the platform has about 237.8 million monetizable daily active users. Yet when Musk’s impromptu poll ended on Saturday with a small fraction of the user base taking part, Trump’s account was unbanned.

Nov 20, 2022

Meta Trained an AI on 48M Science Papers. It Was Shut Down After 2 Days

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI, science

Galactica was supposed to help “organize science.” Instead, it spewed misinformation.

In the first year of the pandemic, science happened at light speed. More than 100,000 papers were published on COVID in those first 12 months — an unprecedented human effort that produced an unprecedented deluge of new information.

It would have been impossible to read and comprehend every one of those studies. No human being could (and, perhaps, none would want to).

Nov 20, 2022

Ripe For Disruption: Artificial Intelligence Advances Deeper Into Healthcare

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

Spiraling costs, closed facilities, capacity issues, staff burnout, staff shortages, lots of chaos — sounds like an ailing industry — and that industry is healthcare. Can artificial intelligence help mend some of the problems faced by hospitals and healthcare providers? There has been progress on that front — not fast enough, but progress nonetheless.

While interest in healthcare AI is high, “the level of acculturation of C-level executives is lagging, especially for organizations that would need it the most — pharmas, medtechs and hospitals,” a recent Capgemini report relates. The problem, the study’s authors relate, is data. “Enhancing the patient care pathway and improving care delivery remain on the top of the organizations’ agendas,” according to the report’s team of coauthors, led by Charlotte Pierron-Perlès. However, only about a third of healthcare organizations surveyed by Capgemini prioritize the availability of patient information. “We do not see major progress from 2021 [the year of the previous study].”

The good news is that many healthcare providers are stepping up their AI work. “The healthcare industry is now starting to implement AI and machine learning solutions at increased scale and sophistication,” says Tony Ambrozie, CIO at Baptist Health South Florida. “AI and machine learning will augment their ability to make sense of the vast amounts of data available.”

Nov 20, 2022

AI system MinD-Vis decodes images from MRI scans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

A new AI system reconstructs images from MRI data two-thirds more accurately than older systems. This is made possible by more data and diffusion models.

Can AI models decode thoughts? Experiments with large language models, such as those by a Meta research group led by Jean-Remi King, attempt to decode words or sentences from MRI data using language models.

Recently, a research group demonstrated an AI system that decodes MRI data from a person watching a video into text describing some of the visible events.

Nov 20, 2022

Microbes may have survived for millions of years beneath the Martian surface

Posted by in categories: biological, particle physics, space

Ancient bacteria might be sleeping beneath the surface of Mars, where it has been shielded from the harsh radiation of space for millions of years, according to new research.

While no evidence of life has been found on the red planet, researchers simulated conditions on Mars in a lab to see how bacteria and fungi could survive. The scientists were surprised to discover that bacteria could likely survive for 280 million years if it was buried and protected from the ionizing radiation and solar particles that bombard the Martian surface.

The findings suggested that if life ever existed on Mars, the dormant evidence of it might still be located in the planet’s subsurface — a place that future missions could explore as they drill into Martian soil.

Nov 20, 2022

Graphene scientists explore electronic materials with nanoscale curved geometries

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, particle physics

In a recently published paper in Nature Electronics, an international research group from Italy, Germany, the UK, and China examined significant development directions in the field of electronic materials with curved geometries at the nanoscale. From microelectronic devices with enhanced functionality to large-scale nanomembranes consisting of networks of electronic sensors that can provide improved performance.

The scientists argue that exciting developments induced by curvature at the nanoscale allow them to define a completely new field—curved nanoelectronics. The paper examines in detail the origin of curvature effects at the and illustrates their potential applications in innovative electronic, spintronic and superconducting devices.

Curved solid-state structures also offer many application opportunities. On a , shape deformations in electronic nanochannels give rise to complex three-dimensional spin textures with an unbound potential for new concepts in spin-orbitronics, which will help develop energy-efficient electronic devices.

Nov 20, 2022

Quantum effects in memristive devices

Posted by in categories: encryption, nanotechnology, quantum physics, robotics/AI

At the nanoscale, the laws of classical physics suddenly become inadequate to explain the behavior of matter. It is precisely at this juncture that quantum theory comes into play, effectively describing the physical phenomena characteristic of the atomic and subatomic world. Thanks to the different behavior of matter on these length and energy scales, it is possible to develop new materials, devices and technologies based on quantum effects, which could yield a real quantum revolution that promises to innovate areas such as cryptography, telecommunications and computation.

The physics of very small objects, already at the basis of many technologies that we use today, is intrinsically linked to the world of nanotechnologies, the branch of applied science dealing with the control of matter at the nanometer scale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). This control of matter at the is at the basis of the development of new electronic devices.

Among these, are considered promising devices for the realization of new computational architectures emulating functions of our brain, allowing the creation of increasingly efficient computation systems suitable for the development of the entire artificial intelligence sector, as recently shown by Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) researchers in collaboration with several international universities and research institutes.

Nov 20, 2022

NEW NOW. Transhumanism: beyond the human frontier?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, education, ethics, health, policy, transhumanism

The fourth discussion of the NEW NOW program, “Transhumanism: Beyond the Human Frontier?”, took place on December 16.

Together with our guest experts, we tried to identify the latest technology that has either already become a reality or is currently in development, focusing on the ethical aspects of the consequences that ensue. We reflected on the question of whether the realization of transhumanist ideas is likely to entail a radical change in the ways people relate to one another. How far are we prepared to go in changing our bodies in order to attain these enhanced capacities? We will attempt to identify the “human frontier”, beyond which the era of posthumanism awaits.

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Nov 20, 2022

Transhumanism & The Future of Humanity

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, evolution, life extension, neuroscience, transhumanism

Transhumanists are redefining what it means to be human. This talk takes a deeper look at the movement and its implications for the future.
About this event.

From bionic eyes to designing new senses and extending life expectancy, transhumanists are redefining what it means to be human. This talk takes a deeper look at the movement and its implications for the future of humanity.

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Nov 20, 2022

Hive Minds

Posted by in category: media & arts

The concept of linking many minds together to act in concert, or even fuse into a new singular entity, has been popular in science fiction for decades. Today we will explore the idea and Networked Intelligence in general, to see how realistic it is, and what benefits or concerns might arise from it.

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