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Dec 31, 2022

The Milky Way’s Black Hole Ejected a Star Towards Intergalactic Space at 6 Million km/h

Posted by in category: cosmology

An international study has discovered a star traveling at more than six million km/h through the Milky Way after being flung from the center of our galaxy by a supermassive black hole.

Dec 31, 2022

A Year in Neuroscience: Top 20 Neuroscience News Articles of 2022

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Summary: 2022 has been a fantastic year for neuroscience and brain science research. Here, we take a look back over some of the most popular neuroscience research articles of the year.

Source: Neuroscience News.

For over 20 years, Neuroscience News has reported on the latest, ground-breaking neuroscience research. Every year, we like to take a look back at some of the most popular articles we have published on the website.

Dec 31, 2022

Telerobotic neurovascular interventions with magnetic manipulation

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A teleoperated robotic system with magnetic actuation of a guidewire has been used for endovascular stroke intervention.

Dec 31, 2022

From chronic to aggressive, how blood cancer in some can progress as a disease

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

The researchers conducted a deep dive into the genetics of these tumours, both during the slow chronic phase and after the disease had transformed into the aggressive form. Researchers have identified an important transition point in the shift from chronic to aggressive blood cancer by conducting experiments in mice, providing a new intervention point for hampering the progress of the disease, according to a study.

Dec 31, 2022

A Particle That May Fill ‘Empty’ Space

Posted by in categories: information science, particle physics

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek explores the secrets of the cosmos. Read previous columns here.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs particle. Now we can see it in perspective.

To understand its significance, imagine an ocean planet where intelligent fish evolve and start to make theories of how things move. They do experiments and deduce equations but it is a messy hodgepodge, because the fish, taking their ever-present environment for granted, think of their ocean as “empty space.” After decades of work, though, some realize that by postulating that “empty space” is a medium—ocean—that has mass and motion of its own, you can account for everything using simple, elegant laws (namely, Newton’s laws). Next, the fish start to wonder what their hypothetical ocean is made of. They boil some ocean, do some sophisticated spectroscopy, and ultimately identify water molecules. Imagined beauty guided them to concrete truth.

Dec 31, 2022

Career Counseling with Sonia Arrison

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, health, nanotechnology

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Dec 31, 2022

A Tiny Flicker in Your Eyes Opens a Window to Your Private Thoughts

Posted by in category: futurism

When we are shown two options, our eyes tend to flick from one to the other and back again several times as we deliberate on the pros and cons of each.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the US have found that the speed with which our eyes dart between options gives away our true preference and predicts the ultimate decision we will make.

This quick eye movement – called a saccade – is what allows you to read; your focus travels abruptly from word to word, fixating briefly on some words before moving on to construct meaning from a block of text.

Dec 31, 2022

Your Cellphone Will Be a Satphone

Posted by in category: mobile phones

Existing smartphones will connect with new satellite constellations in 2023.

Dec 31, 2022

New research reveals how the brain holds information in mind

Posted by in categories: biological, computing, neuroscience

MIT neuroscientists have published a key new insight on how working memory functions, in a study published in PLOS Computational Biology.

The researchers at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory compared measurements of brain cell activity in an animal performing a working memory task with the output of various computer models representing two theories on the underlying mechanism for holding information in mind.

The results favored the newer theory that a network of neurons stores information by making short-lived changes in the connections, or synapses, between them, rather than the traditional theory that memory is maintained by neurons remaining persistently active.

Dec 31, 2022

Inside the $3bn mission to reverse signs of ageing

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension

At first, Professor Wolf Reik couldn’t quite believe the data. The experiment had involved an attempt to “rejuvenate” skin cells taken from a 53-year-old volunteer.

The results were better than anybody had expected: having been bathed in a cocktail of proteins, the cells now looked and behaved like those from somebody in their early twenties.

As different measurements of “biological age” confirmed the findings, the molecular biologist’s scepticism gave way to excitement. “I was falling off my chair three times over,” Reik said.