Toggle light / dark theme This is a brief presentation of a theory of mind called “Double Aspect Theory” which attempts to solve the mind body problem. It states that, in reality there is no gap or dual entities but simply 2 aspects, or epistemic perspectives of the same entity. For more on this theory please see the “ontologistics” channel by clicking the above link. Thx : )

Abstract: A scientific theory of consciousness could be merely descriptive, nothing more than a kind of empirical, statistical phenomenology. We already have a lot of data which fit into this kind of modest theorizing. Better would be a theory which reveals the nature of consciousness. Here a famous gap looms between any such theory of consciousness and a theory of the conscious brain, neither of which are actually in our possession. The gap is so serious and so immense that it has led to remarkable responses, such as the illusionist view that consciousness does not exist. I think the gap suggests there are lurking assumptions about the nature of both consciousness and matter which are fundamentally at odds with one another. A ‘neutral monist’ view may be able to avoid these assumptions to find a place in nature for consciousness and scientific theorizing about it.

It can go into extremely tricky spaces and stop humans from putting their lives in danger.

A student-founded startup, Revolute Robotics, from Arizona has built the Hybrid Mobility Robot (HMR) – a fully autonomous bot that can roll to its destination and even fly over obstacles in its path. If the concept sounds interesting, just wait till you see it in action. It’s mesmerizing.

Autonomous bots come in all shapes and sizes. Some can fly, some use wheels, and some even walk on two legs. They are usually designed with a specific application in mind and equipped with tools to get it done. However, mixing modes of movement is a complex game and the startup seems to have cracked the puzzle quite well.

This interface can bridge the gap between theory and experiment by allowing researchers to conduct real-time quantum-in-the-loop experiments.

Power grid equipment can now be interfaced with quantum computers! Power grids.

But, quantum computers offer hope as they can handle a large number of computations in a short amount of time. Quantum computing research is happening at light speed, and there is a potential for their use to optimize power grids.