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Nov 17, 2022

Engineers designed a new nanoscale 3D printing material that can be printed at a speed of 100 mm/s

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, drones, energy, nanotechnology, satellites

It’s all thanks to nanoclusters.

A new nanoscale 3D printing material developed by Stanford University engineers may provide superior structural protection for satellites, drones, and microelectronicsAn improved lightweight, a protective lattice that can absorb twice as much energy as previous materials of a similar density has been developed by engineers for nanoscale 3D printing.

According to the study led by Stanford University, a nanoscale 3D printing material, which creates structures that are a fraction of the width of a human hair, will enable to print of materials that are available for use, especially when printing at very small scales.

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Nov 17, 2022

Mathematical models shed new light on the interior of neutron stars

Posted by in categories: cosmology, mathematics, physics

“Neutron stars apparently behave a bit like chocolate pralines”.

Neutron stars were first discovered more than 60 years ago, but very little is known about the interior of neutron stars, the incredibly compact cores of dead stars.

According to their findings, a press statement reveals, they bear a surprising resemblance to chocolate pralines.

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Nov 17, 2022

Can The Metaverse Fix Our Generosity Crisis?

Posted by in categories: education, innovation

A disturbing documentary titled Childhood 2.

Spoiler alert: It’s worse than you could imagine.

Returning to Childhood 2.0 and so many discouraging—okay—depressing documentaries from the past few years (The Great Hack, Requiem for The American Dream, The Social Dilemma, etc.), it’s tempting to throw up our hands. To surrender to disillusionment. Even nihilism.

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Nov 17, 2022

FDA approves the sale of the first lab-grown meat in the US

Posted by in category: futurism

The clearance is only for one provider and isn’t a full approval to sell the product in the market.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. has now cleared cultivated meat for human consumption, a press release.


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Nov 17, 2022

Notion Releases Alpha of Generative AI Copywriting Tool

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Notion wants to write you a poem. The popular note-taking and database app has released Notion AI in private alpha today, becoming the latest consumer technology company to incorporate generative artificial intelligence.

In response to a request from a user, the new functionality can create functional scaffolds for blogs, social media posts, and other assets. A meeting agenda, press release, brainstorm, or poem can also be generated by Notion AI.

Aside from that, Notion AI can speed up the research and editing process for writers. The AI can, for example, analyze and summarize articles, pulling out critical points and action items.

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Nov 17, 2022

Defiant Sam Bankman-Fried declares he has ‘2 weeks to raise $8b’ after FTX bankruptcy

Posted by in categories: cryptocurrencies, futurism

‘I was one of the world’s greatest fundraisers; now I’m the fallen wreckage of one.’

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former chief executive of the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange Futures Exchange (FTX), has asserted that FTX is still solvent and plans to raise money even while the formal bankruptcy procedure is underway.

“I have 2 weeks to raise $8 billion; that’s basically all that matters for the rest [of] my life.” he wrote, responding to a question about his plans.

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Nov 17, 2022

Elon Musk, CEO of five companies, doesn’t want to be in charge of any of them

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

Twitter could see organizational restructuring this week.

Getty Images.

Musk was among the people who were asked to testify to determine if the Tesla CEO had undue influence on the decision. Former Tesla board member, James Murdoch also testified later on Wednesday, The Verge report said.

Nov 17, 2022

Early meteorites brought enough water to Mars to create a global ocean

Posted by in categories: chemistry, space

The meteorites that bombarded Mars during the early days of the inner solar system may have carried enough water to create a 300-metre-deep ocean on the planet.

Martin Bizzarro at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and his colleagues have analysed the concentration of a rare chromium isotope, known as chromium-54, in samples of meteorites that have come to Earth from Mars to estimate how much water was deposited on the Red Planet by asteroids.

The uppermost layer of Mars contains the chemical signatures of carbonaceous, or C-type, meteorites that bombarded it as its crust solidified some 4.5 billion years ago.

Nov 17, 2022

3D-printing microrobots with multiple component modules inside a microfluidic chip

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, chemistry, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

Scientists from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Osaka University introduced a method for manufacturing complex microrobots driven by chemical energy using in situ integration. By 3D-printing and assembling the mechanical structures and actuators of microrobots inside a microfluidic chip, the resulting microrobots were able to perform desired functions, like moving or grasping. This work may help realize the vision of microsurgery performed by autonomous robots.

As medical technology advances, increasingly complicated surgeries that were once considered impossible have become reality. However, we are still far away from a promised future in which microrobots coursing through a patient’s body can perform procedures, such as microsurgery or cancer cell elimination.

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Nov 17, 2022

This Week in The Journal

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Kazuaki Ikeda, Masaki Kataoka, and Nobuaki K. Tanaka.

(see pages 8621–8628)

Current flowing through the plasma membrane of individual neurons causes fluctuations in the surrounding electrical field that can be detected with extracellular electrodes. Changes in the local field potential can influence the activity of all neurons within that field. For example, when two unmyelinated axons are closely apposed, an action potential in one axon alters the membrane potential of the other. This phenomenon is called ephaptic signaling. Ephaptic signaling is most prominent in layered neural structures in which numerous similarly oriented neurons are synchronously active. In fact, ephaptic signaling is thought to promote synchronous firing of cerebellar Purkinje cells and cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Ikeda et al. now show that ephaptic signaling originating in Drosophila eyes can influence activity in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the antennae.