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Apr 29, 2024

Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery

Posted by in category: cosmology

Researchers utilizing the European Gaia spacecraft have discovered a black hole in a binary system, located 1,500 light-years away and weighing 33 times the mass of the sun, making it the heaviest known in the Milky Way.

The black hole, discovered using data from the European Gaia spacecraft, is more than three times heavier than the known black holes in our galaxy.

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Apr 29, 2024

Interstellar Peptides Point to Extraterrestrial Origin of Life’s Building Blocks

Posted by in categories: biological, particle physics, space travel

Peptides can form on cosmic dust despite water presence, challenging previous beliefs and suggesting a possible extraterrestrial origin for life’s building blocks.

Peptides are organic compounds that play a crucial role in many biological processes, for example, as enzymes. A research team led by Dr. Serge Krasnokutski from the Astrophysics Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy at the University of Jena had already demonstrated that simple peptides can form on cosmic dust particles. However, it was previously assumed that this would not be possible if molecular ice, which covers the dust particle, contains water – which is usually the case.

Now, the team, in collaboration with the University of Poitiers, France, has discovered that the presence of water molecules is not a major obstacle for the formation of peptides on such dust particles. The researchers report on their findings in the journal Science Advances.

Apr 29, 2024

AdvPrompter: Fast Adaptive Adversarial Prompting for LLMs

Posted by in category: futurism

Meta presents AdvPrompter Fast Adaptive Adversarial Prompting for LLMs.

Meta presents AdvPrompter.

Fast Adaptive Adversarial Prompting for LLMs

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Apr 29, 2024


Posted by in category: futurism

Collective intelligence across all types and substrates.

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Apr 29, 2024


Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Deep learning and global workspace theory.

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Apr 29, 2024


Posted by in category: neuroscience

Dennett consciousness quining qualia.

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Apr 29, 2024


Posted by in categories: computing, ethics

Daniel Dennett when Hal kills whose to blame computer ethics.

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Apr 29, 2024

Fermi Paradox: The Cambrian Explosion Solution and Fossil Arks

Posted by in categories: existential risks, space travel

An exploration of a potential solution to the Fermi Paradox within the Cambrian explosion period of geologic history, with an aside about fossil preservation in space.

My Patreon Page:

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Apr 28, 2024

Divergences (dissimilarities, discrepancies, discriminations, displacements, diversities, affinities)

Posted by in category: futurism

Taxonomy of principal distances and divergences v/ Frank Nielsen.

We define duo Bregman divergences, duo Fenchel-Young divergences, duo Jensen divergences. We show how those divergences occur naturally when calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence and skew Bhattacharyya distances between densities belonging to nested exponential families. We report the KLD between truncated normal distributions as a duo Bregman divergence. Demo code:

Apr 28, 2024

Satya Nadella to Sundar Pichai: 22 top executives join AI advisory board in the US

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, security

Microsoft, Alphabet, OpenAI, Nvidia CEOs join US advisory board to advise on protecting critical infrastructure from AI threats. Board aims to prevent AI-related disruptions to national security and public safety.

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