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Jan 10, 2023

The Amazing Sarcophagus of the Vizier Gemenefhorbak

Posted by in category: futurism

Gemenefherbak was a vizier. As such, he was responsible for justice, a function symbolized by the pendant picturing the goddess Maat on his collar.

The chest is protected by a winged scarab, a personification of the reborn morning sun. On the back of the Sarcophagus, the deceased is shown twice worshiping the Djed-Pillar, a symbol of Osiris, lord of the underworld.

In spite of the size of the object and the hardness of the stone, the sculptors express all their virtuosity in the polish of surfaces and in a sophistication of detail that is typical for the 26th Dynasty.

Jan 10, 2023

New Algorithm Closes Quantum Supremacy Window

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

That general question is still hard to answer, again in part because of those pesky errors. (Future quantum machines will compensate for their imperfections using a technique called quantum error correction, but that capability is still a ways off.) Is it possible to get the hoped-for runaway quantum advantage even with uncorrected errors?

Most researchers suspected the answer was no, but they couldn’t prove it for all cases. Now, in a paper posted to the preprint server, a team of computer scientists has taken a major step toward a comprehensive proof that error correction is necessary for a lasting quantum advantage in random circuit sampling — the bespoke problem that Google used to show quantum supremacy. They did so by developing a classical algorithm that can simulate random circuit sampling experiments when errors are present.

Jan 10, 2023

Healthy aging and drinking water: Fascinating findings from a new study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Nearly half of people worldwide do not get the recommended daily total water intake, a new report indicates.

Yet drinking enough water may help to delay the aging process for many.

A recent study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published in eBioMedicine suggests as much — though there are caveats to know.

Jan 10, 2023

‘Disruptive’ science has declined — and no one knows why

Posted by in category: science

Why the slide?

It is important to understand the reasons for the drastic changes, Walsh says. The trend might stem in part from changes in the scientific enterprise. For example, there are now many more researchers than in the 1940s, which has created a more competitive environment and raised the stakes to publish research and seek patents. That, in turn, has changed the incentives for how researchers go about their work. Large research teams, for example, have become more common, and Wang and his colleagues have found3 that big teams are more likely to produce incremental than disruptive science.

Finding an explanation for the decline won’t be easy, Walsh says. Although the proportion of disruptive research dropped significantly between 1945 and 2010, the number of highly disruptive studies has remained about the same. The rate of decline is also puzzling: CD indices fell steeply from 1945 to 1970, then more gradually from the late 1990s to 2010. “Whatever explanation you have for disruptiveness dropping off, you need to also make sense of it levelling off” in the 2000s, he says.

Jan 10, 2023

In Order To CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2023, You Need To DO THESE 3 Things First! | Yuval Noah Harari

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Build IRONCLAD discipline in this FREE workshop:

On Today’s Episode:

Continue reading “In Order To CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2023, You Need To DO THESE 3 Things First! | Yuval Noah Harari” »

Jan 10, 2023

‘White Lung’ Phenomenon Among China’s COVID-19 Spike | China In Focus

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education

⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉

🔴 THE FINAL WAR is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.👉👉

Continue reading “‘White Lung’ Phenomenon Among China’s COVID-19 Spike | China In Focus” »

Jan 10, 2023

Tiny implantable device designed by UCLA scientists helps kill cancer

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A therapeutic sponge the size of a pencil eraser boosted the body’s tumor-fighting response in mice and kept the cancer from returning.

Many solid tumors resist treatment in part by turning human biology against itself. Tumors surround themselves with extra white blood cells known as regulatory T cells, which call off the body’s natural defenses against the disease.

Strategies to treat cancer by deactivating these cells risk creating other serious problems. Since regulatory T cells play an important role in safeguarding healthy tissues, diminishing them throughout the body can lead to other immune cells mistakenly attacking these tissues and causing autoimmune conditions that damage the colon, liver, heart and other organs.

Jan 10, 2023

AI Trains Fire Fighters — A Man’s Best Friend

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, privacy, robotics/AI, transportation

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Fire departments conducting “size up” training typically rely on whiteboard discussions, drives around neighborhoods and photo-based systems. New training technology will help firefighters train for different types of fires or hazardous material situations, vehicle accidents, residential and commercial buildings, etc. An augmented reality training tool for firefighters, called Forge, uses artificial intelligence and biometric training to simulate real emergencies. Developed by Avrio Analytics, the system is designed to make sure that firefighters possess communication, situational awareness and associated skills needed in emergencies.

“Biometric and performance data collected during training allows Forge’s AI to dynamically change the training based on the user’s cognitive load, such as providing more or less guidance to the individual or introducing new training complexity in real-time,” the company told “This allows for training sessions tailored to the ability of the individual.”

Jan 10, 2023

Poul Anderson 1954 Brain Wave Weiner Audiobook

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Jan 10, 2023

Researchers demonstrated how to control the quantum states of individual molecules

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Controlling quantum states in individual molecules with two-dimensional ferroelectrics.