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Advances in artificial intelligence have prompted extensive public concern about its capacity to contribute to the spread of misinformation, bias, and cybersecurity breaches—and its potential existential threat to humanity. But, if anything, AI can aid human beings in making decisions aimed at improving social equality, safety, productivity—and mitigate some existential threats.

According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, first published in 1905, light can be converted into matter when two light particles collide with intense force. But, try as they might, scientists have never been able to do this. No one could create the conditions needed to transform light into matter — until now.

Physicists claim to have generated matter from pure light for the first time — a spectacular display of Einstein’s most famous equation.

This is a significant breakthrough, overcoming a theoretical barrier that seemed impossible only a few decades ago.

A concept video of Sky Cruise, a giant flying machine that can carry 5,000 passengers and has all the luxuries of the world, has gone viral on the internet. The maker of the video claims that such an aircraft built in the future would have no carbon footprint, The Independent reported.

The concept of a floating world in itself is not new and has been described even in Jonathan Swift’s works from the 18th century, much before the Wright Brothers made their first flight. Fans of animated movies might have also come across the concept in 1986 Japanese movie, Castle in the Sky.

Similarly, individuals who were diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 40 years died ten years earlier, and those diagnosed at the age of 50 died six years earlier than their healthy counterparts.

A robust association was established between earlier age of diabetes diagnosis and deaths due to vascular and non-neoplastic conditions. Common vascular diseases include stroke and myocardial infarction, while non-neoplastic conditions include neurological, respiratory, and infectious diseases.

The association between life expectancy and diabetes was marginally greater in women than in men. Compared to older adults, higher hazard ratios for mortality were associated with earlier age of diabetes detection.

In a recent study published in JAMA, researchers investigated whether accelerometer-assessed sedentary behavior was associated with incident dementia.

The global population is engaging in more sedentary-type activities such as sitting while using the computer, watching television, and driving. Studies have reported associations between sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic diseases and related mortality; however, its relationship with new-onset dementia is not clear.

The orbits of 27 stars orbiting closely around the black hole at the center of our Milky Way are so chaotic that researchers cannot predict with confidence where they will be in about 462 years. This finding emerges from simulations by three astronomers based in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The researchers have published their findings in two papers in the International Journal of Modern Physics D and in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Simulating 27 stars and their interactions with each other and with the black hole is easier said than done. For centuries, for example, it was impossible to predict the motions of more than two interacting stars, planets, rocks, or other objects. It was only in 2018 that Leiden researchers developed a computer program in which rounding errors no longer play a role in the calculations. With this, they were able to calculate the motions of three imaginary stars. Now the researchers have expanded their program to deal with 27 stars that, by astronomical standards, move close to the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

The simulations of the 27 and the black hole resulted in a surprise. Although the stars remain in their orbits around the black hole, the interactions between the stars show that the orbits are chaotic. This means that small perturbations caused by the underlying interactions change the orbits of the stars. These changes grow exponentially and, in the long run, make the star orbits unpredictable.