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Jan 6, 2023

Ask Ethan: Is the Universe’s expansion accelerating or not?

Posted by in category: cosmology

Yes, dark energy is real. Yes, distant galaxies recede faster and faster as time goes on. But nthe expansion rate isn’t accelerating at all.

Jan 6, 2023

Geometry of brain, dimensions of mind: Researchers identify new ways to characterize states of consciousness

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, health, neuroscience

What it means to be conscious is more than just a philosophical question. Researchers continue to investigate how conscious experience arises from the electrochemical activity of the human brain. The answer has important implications for the way brain health is understood—from coma, wherein a person is alive but unable to move or respond to his or her environment, to surgical anesthesia, to the altered thought processes of schizophrenia.

Recent research suggests that there’s no one location in the brain that causes consciousness, pointing to a network phenomenon. However, tracing the various linkages between regions in the brain networks that give rise to awareness and wakefulness has been elusive.

A new approach using functional MRI, an imaging technique that allows you to see and measure brain activity through changes in blood flow over time, provides new insight into how we describe and study conscious states.

Jan 6, 2023

The Brain’s Ability to Perceive Space Expands Like the Universe

Posted by in category: space

Summary: Time spent in a novel environment causes neural representations to grow in a surprising way.

Source: Salk Institute.

Young children sometimes believe that the moon is following them, or that they can reach out and touch it. It appears to be much closer than is proportional to its true distance. As we move about our daily lives, we tend to think that we navigate space in a linear way.

Jan 6, 2023

The top five telomere myths

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension

Let me assure you that my intent in this article is not to refute any empirical data or established theories about telomeres. Instead, I will explain why I believe that the historical course of scientific discoveries and an outdated paradigm about the biological cause of aging have led to the use of inaccurate language in describing the roles and functions of telomeres.

Jan 6, 2023

Big tech doesn’t want AI to become conscious

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Artificial intelligence can be impressive to the extent that people think it might one day acquire human intelligence and, with it, consciousness. But AI can be far more intelligent than humans without ever being conscious. And apart from us having no idea how to create conscious AI, it might not even be that desirable. We fool ourselves if we think conscious beings are the exemplar of intelligence in the universe, argues Susan Schneider in this interview with iai News.

Jan 6, 2023

The discovery of a mural dedicated to Egyptian goddesses, buried under thick layers of bird poop

Posted by in category: energy

Forty-six representations of ancient Egyptian goddesses were found in a mural completely covered in bird dung in an ancient temple.

During ancient times, the ancient Egyptians built Esna on the west bank of the River Nile: the city that served as a center of power in Upper Egypt. While they were in office, public buildings and temples were decorated with ornate murals dedicated to gods from the sacred pantheon. Over time, the ancient ceremonial centers became covered in sand, dust, and animal feces.

Jan 6, 2023

How Antimatter Was Discovered By Carl Anderson

Posted by in category: futurism

Paul Dirac predicted antimatter in 1928 and within a matter of few years antimatter was found by American physicist Carl Anderson.

Jan 6, 2023

Alien Machine Civilizations, The End of Earth, and Our Future with Isaac Arthur

Posted by in categories: alien life, futurism

Can We Stop the Sun from Destroying Earth?
Isaac Arthur returns to Event Horizon for his annual discussion with John Michael Godier about everything from alien machine civilizations, saving earth from the suns eventual expansion, and the future of humans in this universe.

Isaac Arthur links:

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Jan 6, 2023

6G wireless technology could use humans as a power source, study explains

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, internet, wearables

What percentage of your battery is used…

AMHERST, Mass. – 5G wireless technology is just starting to take off worldwide, but a new study is already speculating on the future of 6G! Researchers from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst say, unlike older technology, 6G could end up using people as antennas.

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Jan 6, 2023

Government Scientists Discover Entirely New Kind of Quantum Entanglement in Breakthrough

Posted by in categories: computing, government, particle physics, quantum physics

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered an entirely new kind of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that causes particles to become weirdly linked, even across vast cosmic distances, reports a new study. The discovery allowed them to capture an unprecedented glimpse of the bizarre world inside atoms, the tiny building blocks of matter.

The mind-bending research resolves a longstanding mystery about the nuclei of atoms, which contain particles called protons and neutrons, and could help shed light on topics ranging from quantum computing to astrophysics.