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Jan 17, 2023

AI-Developed, Synthetic DNA is About to Revolutionize Drug Production and Gene Therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics, robotics/AI

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have made a ground-breaking discovery in the field of synthetic DNA, using AI to control the cells’ protein production.

This new technology could revolutionize the way we produce vaccines, drugs for severe diseases, and alternative food proteins by making the process faster and significantly cheaper than current methods.

The process of gene expression is fundamental to the function of cells in all living organisms. In simple terms, the genetic code in DNA is transcribed into the molecule messenger RNA (mRNA), which tells the cell’s factory which protein to produce and in what quantities.

Jan 17, 2023

Amazon may have more robot employees than humans in the future

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

What could the consequences be in the future?

An interesting tweet is making headlines regarding Amazon’s adoption of robots within its company. Posted by Sam Korus, the tweet includes a graph showing the relative numbers of robots and human employees (in the thousands) at the beginning of every year between 2013 and 2022.

The graph shows a growing trend in the number of humans and robots over time, with a noticeable uptick during the pandemic as people spent more time shopping online at home. Korus’ tweet predicts that more robots will be employed than humans at some point in the future; he might have a point.

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Jan 17, 2023

Microsoft to offer ChatGPT at industrial scale via its Azure services

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, supercomputing

The expertise of GPT3.5 at the industrial scale.

If you are tired of your requests to access ChatGPT being waitlisted repeatedly, Microsoft has some good news for you. The chatbot is coming soon to Azure Open AI services, where businesses can access the most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) in the world, the company said in a press release.

ChatGPT, the chatbot released on November 30 last year, has caught the imagination of engineers and non-engineers alike. The large language model used by the platform allows the AI to help answer user queries in a conversational style.

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Jan 17, 2023

A black hole devoured a star and created a Solar System-sized donut

Posted by in categories: cosmology, materials

New Hubble Space Telescope readings show the last moments of a star before it’s devoured by a black hole.

Astronomers used NASA’s iconic Hubble Space Telescope to record detailed observations of a star’s final moments before it was torn apart by a black hole.

As per a NASA blog post, the astronomers used Hubble to focus on the immense gravitational impact on the dying star.

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Jan 17, 2023

Chinese researchers employ powerful lasers to recreate solar flares

Posted by in categories: internet, satellites

The team recreated a turbulent magnetic reconnection, suggested to be a trigger of solar flares.

On January 10, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a massive X-class solar flare. The blast hurled debris into space, and radiation from the flare triggered radio blackouts across the South Pacific. The solar outburst was the third X-class — the most powerful — flare in less than a week.

These intense bursts of radiation from the release of magnetic energy associated with sunspots can be dangerous — in February 2022, SpaceX lost 40 of its newly launched Starlink communications satellites due to a geomagnetic storm triggered by a solar flare.

Jan 17, 2023

Lasers as lightning rods just became a reality thanks to a new study

Posted by in category: climatology

The study has shown that the use of intense lasers can be used to divert lightning, much like conventional “Franklin rods.”

According to a report published in Nature Photonics.

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Jan 17, 2023

China’s population falls for the first time in over six decades

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, policy

The decline has come faster than the governments predicted. Will this change China’s stance?

Population in China has dipped for the first time in over 60 years, as per data released by the National Bureau of Statistics today. The country that had 1.41260 billion people in 2021 now has 1.41175 billion at the end of 2022. The small difference in decimals here is actually a difference of 850,000 people on the ground.

The decline in China’s population comes in the backdrop of the country reeling under an intense wave of COVID-19 infections after letting go of its ‘zero-COVID’ policy.

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Jan 17, 2023

AI21 Labs Announces The Future Of Writing, Challenging OpenAI

Posted by in categories: humor, robotics/AI

Tel-Aviv-based AI21 Labs launched today Wordtune Spices, a writer-augmentation tool based on generative AI. Selecting from 12 different cues, writers can generate a range of textual options to add to and enhance sentences. Spices can also suggest statistics to strengthen an argument or sharpen a detail.

AI21 says Spices is not intended to replace writers but to function as a writing assistant, suggesting additional complete sentences that improve and enhance the text that is being written. It could help refine and enrich the main message of the text, bolster and enrich arguments, and add creative expressions such as a joke or inspirational quote.

AI21 is addressing the limitations of Large Language Models (LLM) by combining deep learning with old-fashioned AI.

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Jan 17, 2023

Short Film by ChatGPT: THE CATALYST (Comedy Thriller)

Posted by in category: entertainment

Loosely based on a screenplay written by ChatGPT. This comedy thriller short film is about an unexpected event that occurs during a robbery.

Exclusive and Early Access:

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Jan 17, 2023

SpaceX signs agreement with US National Science Foundation to prevent Starlink’s interference with astronomy

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, internet, satellites, science

SpaceX signed a new agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) to prevent Starlink satellites from interfering with astronomy.

SpaceX has long been criticized by astronomers for the brightness of its Starlink satellites. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, said in 2019 that SpaceX would ensure that Starlink has no material effect on discoveries in astronomy. “We care a great deal about science,” he said in a tweet.

Exactly, potentially helping billions of economically disadvantaged people is the greater good. That said, we’ll make sure Starlink has no material effect on discoveries in astronomy. We care a great deal about science.