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Feb 2, 2023

What will AI Programming look like in 5 Years?

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

What will the future of AI programming look like with tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot? Let’s take a look at how machine learning could change the daily lives of developers in the near future.

#ai #tech #TheCodeReport.

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Feb 2, 2023

Search Your Databases faster using AI GPT is changing the way we use databases

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Ask any question in text and it’ll return the answer in under 30 seconds. This will make data analysis 10x faster

Feb 2, 2023

Longevity gene may help rejuvenate the heart by 10 years

Posted by in category: life extension

Research in mice suggests that a gene associated with longevity in humans could help rejuvenate the aging heart and improve cardiovascular health.

Feb 2, 2023

Forebrain Engraftment

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Human astrocytes are larger and more complex than those of infraprimate mammals, suggesting that their role in neural processing has expanded with evolution. To assess the cell-autonomous and species-selective properties of human glia, we engrafted human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodeficient mice. Upon maturation, the recipient brains exhibited large numbers and high proportions of both human glial progenitors and astrocytes. The engrafted human glia were gap-junction-coupled to host astroglia, yet retained the size and pleomorphism of hominid astroglia, and propagated Ca2+ signals 3-fold faster than their hosts. Long-term potentiation (LTP) was sharply enhanced in the human glial chimeric mice, as was their learning, as assessed by Barnes maze navigation, object-location memory, and both contextual and tone fear conditioning. Mice allografted with murine GPCs showed no enhancement of either LTP or learning. These findings indicate that human glia differentially enhance both activity-dependent plasticity and learning in mice.

Video Camera

Feb 2, 2023

For those who missed the green comet, here are breathtaking videos, images of the rare astronomical sight

Posted by in categories: internet, space

The internet is abuzz with mentions of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) a.k.a., the green comet, which on Wednesday could be seen with the naked eye.

As per NASA, the comet paid our planet a visit after a good 50,000 years. It was a rare feast for stargazers and astronomers alike as people around the globe witnessed the astronomical event.

Feb 2, 2023

In 50 years we’ll have ‘robot angels’ assisting us and will be able to merge our brains with AI, according to technology experts

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Function receiveMessage(event) { console.log(; Android.fullscreen(; } window.addEventListener(“message”, receiveMessage.

Feb 2, 2023

Does Artificial Intelligence Impact Decision Making?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

This post is also available in: he עברית (Hebrew)

Have you ever used Alexa to help you decide what movie you should watch? Maybe you asked Siri for restaurant recommendations. Artificial intelligence and virtual assistants are constantly being refined, and may soon be making appointments for you, offering medical advice, or trying to sell you a bottle of wine.

Continue reading “Does Artificial Intelligence Impact Decision Making?” »

Feb 2, 2023

Buzzing the brain with electricity can boost the willingness to engage in mental effort

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Neuroscientists have successfully increased the motivation to exert mental effort by using a weak alternating electrical current sent through electrodes attached to the scalp to synchronize brain waves. The findings, published in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, help to identify the neural mechanisms underlying the willingness to engage in mental effort, suggesting that midfrontal theta oscillations play a key role.

“For a long time research has mainly focussed on which brain mechanisms underlie mental processes, but in the recent years it has become clear that engaging in mental activities needs to be understood as an active decision process where humans are willing to perform demanding mental tasks only if they are ‘worth it.’ The goal of our research was to get a better understanding of the brain mechanisms causally determining our motivation to engage in demanding mental activities,” explained study author Alexander Soutschek, a research group leader at the psychology department of the University of Munich.

For their study, the researchers utilized transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), a non-invasive neurostimulation technique that applies low-amplitude electrical current to the scalp through electrodes. The current modulates the neural activity in the brain regions under the electrodes, potentially enhancing or suppressing specific cognitive processes.

Feb 2, 2023

Ponderomotive recoil for electromagnetic waves

Posted by in category: particle physics

When waves damp or amplify on resonant particles in a plasma, nonresonant particles experience a recoil force that conserves the total momentum between particles and electromagnetic fields. This force is important to understand, as it can completely negate current drive and rotation drive mechanisms that are predicted on the basis of only resonant particles. Here, the existing electrostatic theory of this recoil force is extended to electromagnetic waves. While the result bears close similarity to historical fluid theories of laser–plasma interactions, it now incorporates both resonant and nonresonant particles, allowing momentum conservation to be self-consistently proven. Furthermore, the result is shown to be generally valid for kinetic plasmas, which is verified through single-particle hot-plasma simulations. The new form of the force provides physical insight into the nature of the generalized Minkowski (plasmon) momentum of geometrical optics, which is shown to correspond to the momentum gained by the field and nonresonant particles as the wave is self-consistently ramped up from vanishing amplitude.

Feb 2, 2023

Tracking Isotopes in the Upper Atmosphere

Posted by in category: futurism

The first measurements of a heavy oxygen isotope in Earth’s upper atmosphere suggest that isotopic concentrations could become powerful probes of atmospheric processes at otherwise hard-to-probe altitudes.