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🕵️‍♂️ Nation-state hackers are turning to Discord. Discover how they’re using this social platform for potential cyber-espionage and target critical infrastructure.


In what’s the latest evolution of threat actors abusing legitimate infrastructure for nefarious ends, new findings show that nation-state hacking groups have entered the fray in leveraging the social platform for targeting critical infrastructure.

Discord, in recent years, has become a lucrative target, acting as a fertile ground for hosting malware using its content delivery network (CDN) as well as allowing information stealers to siphon sensitive data off the app and facilitating data exfiltration by means of webhooks.

‘Etherhiding’ Blockchain Technique Hides Malicious Code in WordPress Sites:

A threat actor has been abusing proprietary blockchain technology to hide malicious code in a campaign that uses fake browser updates to spread various malware, including the infostealers RedLine, Amadey, and Lumma.

While abuse of blockchain is typically seen in attacks aimed at stealing cryptocurrency — as the security technology is best known for protecting these transactions — EtherHiding demonstrates how attackers can leverage it for other types of malicious activity.

Researchers from Guardio have been tracking a campaign dubbed ClearFake over the last two months in which users are misled into downloading malicious fake browser updates from at least 30 highjacked WordPress sites.

From every study they could find, including research that was never published, research by the military and private businesses, and research that had sat dormant on hard drives for decades to find out how personality and intelligence relate to each another.⁠

Fourteen years later, the massive data catalog has dropped. It contains 79 personality traits and 97 cognitive abilities from 1,300 studies from over 50 countries including over 2 million participants. And an early meta-analysis published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that personality and intelligence relate in some surprising ways.⁠

Personality describes how someone generally thinks, feels, and behaves. Intelligence (termed cognitive ability by the researchers) describes how well someone can understand and apply information.⁠

Here are 3 of the 5 findings:⁠

1. Extraversion, a measure of sociality and enthusiasm, was only negligibly related to intelligence overall. However, the activity facet more strongly correlated, and (surprisingly) sociability had a small negative relationship with some cognitive abilities. ⁠

2. Neuroticism encompasses negative emotionality, which can inhibit advanced thinking. Despite the trope of the moody genius, perhaps it’s no surprise that higher levels of neuroticism predicted lower levels of intelligence, albeit weakly. The uneven temper and depression facets were particularly strong predictors of decreased intelligence. ⁠

3. Conscientiousness, a measure of self-regulation and orderliness, correlated positively with intelligence overall. But some facets, including cautiousness and routine seeking, predicted lower cognitive abilities.⁠

For the rest of the findings, along with something interesting they learned about extraversion, click here:…jjjrtebdkm.

Article by Elizabeth Gilbert.