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Apr 28, 2023

The Capabilities and Dangers of Large Language Models

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

Another fact-based warning about current AI. Not future, but currently.

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Apr 28, 2023

Scientists design new bio-inspired molecules to promote bone regeneration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

People’s ability to regenerate bones declines with age and is further decreased by diseases such as osteoporosis. To help the aging population, researchers are looking for new therapies that improve bone regeneration.

Now, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) and the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden along with a group from Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials (MBC) developed novel bio-inspired molecules that enhance in mice. The results were published in the journal Biomaterials.

As people age, their ability to regenerate bones decreases. Fractures take longer to heal and diseases like osteoporosis only add to it. This represents a serious health challenge to the and an increasing socioeconomic burden for the society. To help combat this issue, researchers are looking for new therapeutic approaches that can improve bone regeneration.

Apr 28, 2023

Huge cache of mammal genomes offers fresh insights on human evolution

Posted by in categories: asteroid/comet impacts, biotech/medical, evolution, existential risks, genetics

Using Zoonomia’s data, researchers have also constructed a phylogenetic tree that estimates when each mammalian species diverged from its ancestors5. This analysis lends support to the hypothesis that mammals had already started evolutionarily diverging before Earth was struck by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago — but that they diverged much more rapidly afterwards.

Only the beginning

The Zoonomia Project is just one of dozens of efforts to sequence animal genomes. Another large effort is the Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP), which aims to generate genomes for roughly all 71,000 living vertebrate species, which include mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. Although the two projects are independent of one another, many researchers are a part of both, says Haussler, who is a trustee of the VGP.

Apr 28, 2023

Gene-edited cells move science closer to repairing damaged hearts

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, science

New research offers a path toward transplants that can fix damage from a heart attack without causing life-threatening arrhythmias.

Apr 28, 2023

Moon mission failure: why is it so hard to pull off a lunar landing?

Posted by in category: space

The ispace lander’s failed touchdown highlights the challenges Moon landings pose, especially for private companies.

Apr 28, 2023

How Rosalind Franklin was let down

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

The story of how the structure of DNA was found is one of team science from which one member was unforgivably excluded.

Apr 28, 2023

Schrödinger’s cat is verified by a vibrating crystal

Posted by in category: futurism


The famed thought experiment, which posits that a cat can be alive and dead at the same time, is confirmed with classical evidence.

Apr 28, 2023

Is there life after death? | Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder

Posted by in categories: business, education

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Apr 28, 2023

The First Civilization to Emerge in the Galaxy

Posted by in categories: media & arts, space travel

The Galaxy is approximately 13 billion years old, which makes one wonder — just how many civilizations could have come and gone across that ocean of time? Today, we try something a little bit different for this channel, and imagine when and how the first civilization could have lived. The story is a fiction, but it provides a narrative around which we can more viscerally experience the conditions of the early cosmos, and the fragility of life itself.

Written & presented by Prof David Kipping.

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Apr 28, 2023

10 Unpleasant Alien Civilization Scenarios

Posted by in category: alien life

And exploration of 10 Unpleasant Alien Civilization Scenarios and speculation on what they might mean.

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