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Apr 30, 2023

Quantum computers could simulate a black hole in the next decade

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, quantum physics

Understanding the interactions between quantum physics and gravity within a black hole is one of the thorniest problems in physics, but quantum computers could soon offer an answer.

By Alex Wilkins

Apr 30, 2023

NASA’s next space station will be 1,000 times farther from Earth

Posted by in categories: habitats, space

While NASA prepares to launch its lunar space station, other groups are working to ensure we still have an off-world home closer to Earth.

Apr 30, 2023

New study finds ChatGPT outperforms doctors in giving ‘empathetic’ advice

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Menno van Dijk/iStock.

This according to a study reported by The National Post on Friday.

Apr 30, 2023

Squawk! You there? Pet parrots video call each other to elevate social lives

Posted by in category: neuroscience

The study parrots engaged in various social behaviors that researchers would often see amongst groups of birds or in the wild, including dancing and singing together.

Parrots are socially complex animals, outperforming 6-and 7-year-old children in puzzle activities and memory skills. When kept as pets, these birds frequently lack suitable stimulation to meet their high social, cognitive, and emotional needs.

A recent study by the University of Glasgow and Northeastern University looked at this issue by using 18 pet parrots to see if video calls could help them meet their social demands.

Apr 30, 2023

‘Responsible AI’: ChatGPT bot gets ethical nod from G7 digital ministers

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The G7 expressed their commitment to threats from outside, as worries about digital absolutism in nations like China persist.

The digital ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) countries have decided that “risk-based” regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) should be adopted.

TheG7 encouraged the ethical use of AI, including the ChatGPT AI bot created by the US company OpenAI, according to media reports.

Apr 30, 2023

MIT team designs robotic gripper that could soon clean our homes

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

“Now with reflexes, we think we can one day pick and place in every possible way, so that a robot could potentially clean up the house.”

Reacting to stimuli on the fly has been exclusive to living beings for much until now. In a world of uncertainties, adjusting to changes in our surroundings has been a big reason why we’re still around as a species.

Continue reading “MIT team designs robotic gripper that could soon clean our homes” »

Apr 30, 2023

Anthropologist pair solve the mystery of Mayan 819-day count

Posted by in category: space


A pair of anthropologists at Tulane University has solved the mystery of the Mayan 819-day count, a type of ancient Mesoamerican calendar system. In their paper published in the journal Ancient Mesoamerica, John Linden and Victoria Bricker suggest that the calendar might be representing a much longer timescale than others had considered.

In studying ancient Maya inscriptions, prior researchers had come across mention of a system they referred to as the 819-day count, which appeared to be in reference to a of some sort. But the had not left behind any other sort of definition or text describing how it might fit in with their regular calendar system. Prior researchers had found some evidence suggesting that it might be tied to the synodic period, the cyclic period that describes when a given planet will appear at a given point in the sky. They noted that for Mercury, the synod period is 117 days, which, when multiplied by seven, equals 819. Unfortunately, the same formulation did not work with the other , leaving the 819-day count a mystery—until now.

Continue reading “Anthropologist pair solve the mystery of Mayan 819-day count” »

Apr 30, 2023

ChatGPT beats doctors at answering online medical questions, study finds

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

According to a recent study, ChatGPT surpasses the quality and empathy of physicians when responding to online queries. However, there are some caveats.

A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals that ChatGPT surpasses physicians in terms of quality and empathy when responding to online queries. The study evaluated ChatGPT’s performance compared to physicians in answering patient questions from Reddit’s r/AskDocs forum.

The cross-sectional study involved 195 randomly selected questions and found that chatbot responses were preferred over physician responses. ChatGPT received significantly higher ratings for both quality and empathy.

Apr 30, 2023

Apple is sucking people in deeper with its Savings account

Posted by in category: futurism

Apple’s new high-yield savings account will get customers to stick around longer than a smartwatch.

Apr 30, 2023

Nature’s Hidden Code: The Surprising Universality of Computation

Posted by in categories: biological, computing, physics

Universal computation has significant real-world implications in fields such as computer science, physics, biology, and beyond. It is highly relevant to simulation metaphysics and its idea that the physical world could be a type of computer simulation.