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Jun 18, 2023

Smart drugs fall short as cognitive function enhancers

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, mathematics, neuroscience


Many everyday tasks can fall under the mathematical class of “hard” problems. Typically, these problems belong to the complexity class of nondeterministic polynomial (NP) hard. These tasks require systematic approaches (algorithms) for optimal outcomes. In the case of significant complex problems (e.g., the number of ways to fix a product or the number of stops to be made on a delivery trip), more computations are required, which rapidly outgrows cognitive capacities.

A recent Science Advances study investigated the effectiveness of three popular smart drugs, namely, modafinil (MOD), methylphenidate (MPH), and dextroamphetamine (DEX), against the difficulty of real-life daily tasks, i.e., the 0–1 knapsack optimization problem (“knapsack task”). A knapsack task is basically a combinatorial optimization task, the class of NP-time challenging problems.

Jun 18, 2023

Qubit Quest Takes a Topological Turn

Posted by in categories: information science, particle physics, quantum physics, robotics/AI

The compelling feature of this new breed of quasiparticle, says Pedram Roushan of Google Quantum AI, is the combination of their accessibility to quantum logic operations and their relative invulnerability to thermal and environmental noise. This combination, he says, was recognized in the very first proposal of topological quantum computing, in 1997 by the Russian-born physicist Alexei Kitaev.

At the time, Kitaev realized that non-Abelian anyons could run any quantum computer algorithm. And now that two separate groups have created the quasi-particles in the wild, each team is eager to develop their own suite of quantum computational tools around these new quasiparticles.

Jun 18, 2023

Meta introduces Voicebox, does a first on Generative AI speech

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Meta AI researchers have moved a step forward in the field of generative AI for speech with the development of Voicebox. Unlike previous models, Voicebox can generalize to speech-generation tasks that it was not specifically trained for, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance.

Voicebox is a versatile generative system for speech that can produce high-quality audio clips in a wide variety of styles. It can create outputs from scratch or modify existing samples. The model supports speech synthesis in six languages, as well as noise removal, content editing, style conversion, and diverse sample generation.

Traditionally, generative AI models for speech required specific training for each task using carefully prepared training data. However, Voicebox adopts a new approach called Flow Matching, which surpasses diffusion models in performance. It outperforms existing state-of-the-art models like VALL-E for English text-to-speech tasks, achieving better word error rates (5.9% vs. 1.9%) and audio similarity (0.580 vs. 0.681), while also being up to 20 times faster. In cross-lingual style transfer, Voicebox surpasses YourTTS by reducing word error rates from 10.9% to 5.2% and improving audio similarity from 0.335 to 0.481.

Jun 18, 2023

World’s FIRST Solar Powered Campervan!

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability, transportation

Stella Vita is the World’s first ever solar powered campervan capable of a staggering 600 Km on a single charge! Aptly described as a “self-sustaining house on wheels” it comes kitted out with a double bed, sofa, kitchen area, a shower, sink and toilet! This could just be the perfect way to go off-grid…! Robert went to meet the engineers at Eindhoven University of Technology to see it for himself.

0:00 A solar powered campervan?!
1:20 A 3000Km road trip.
3:55 Better than the back of a Tesla.
4:38 Back to Uni.
6:40 600Km of range.
7:12 Everything is lightweight.
8:51 Experimental but comfortable.
9:44 Key design elements.
10:43 Built in this room.
11:35 Robert makes his bid.
12:02 Arriving in Tarifa.
12:50 Can we buy one?
13:30 Bobby’s outro.

Continue reading “World’s FIRST Solar Powered Campervan!” »

Jun 18, 2023

Marvin Minsky’s 2500 Logo Computer

Posted by in categories: education, robotics/AI

[Prof. Marvin Minsky] is a very well-known figure in the field of computing, having co-founded the MIT AI lab, published extensively on AI and computational intelligence, and, let’s not forget, inventing the confocal microscope and, of course, the useless machine. But did you know he also was a co-developer of the first Logo “turtle,” and developed a computer intended to run Logo applications in an educational environment? After dredging some PDP-10 tapes owned by the MIT Media Lab, the original schematics for his machine, the Turtle Terminal TT2500 (a reference to the target price of $2500, in 1970 terms), are now available for you to examine.

The machine itself was created in an interesting way; by affixing discrete socketed TTL chips to a large panel, some three hundred or so, the interconnect was performed automatically using a computer-controlled wiring machine that read the design from magnetic tape. The 2,500 used 16-bit user-definable instructions read from a tiny 4k control store. Instruction microcode was read from a 1k microcode store backed up with 64k of RAM. Unusually, it sported a dual display configuration, with one text display and a second vector display for rendering real-time graphics. The machine was intended to run the Logo programming language developed by [Seymour Papert] and others, but this was impossible due to its tiny control store. Instead, it became a display terminal for a connected computer with sufficient resources. You can read more about this fascinating period of time in AI, the life of [Minsky], and others in this New Yorker article.

Continue reading “Marvin Minsky’s 2500 Logo Computer” »

Jun 18, 2023

Parenting can be bad for the kids

Posted by in category: genetics

At least, from a genetic point of view | Science & technology.

Jun 18, 2023

A quick look back at Microsoft’s IBM PC add-on cards of the 1980s

Posted by in category: futurism

After Microsoft launched its SoftCard add-on for the Apple II PC, it released a number of similar cards for IBM PCs, but a few years later the company shut down that hardware division.

Jun 18, 2023

The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases

Posted by in category: futurism

A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It’s the all-in-one workspace for you and your team.

Jun 18, 2023

Cosmologists find new evidence our universe has an antimatter twin

Posted by in categories: cosmology, quantum physics

The concept of a mirror universe has often been studied in theoretical cosmology, and as a new study shows, it might help us solve problems with the cosmological constant.

Jun 18, 2023

The Drone Jar: Light-Dependent Synth

Posted by in categories: drones, media & arts

The Drone Jar creates sound using three square-wave oscillators which modulate against each other to create dynamic tones. These oscillators alone already open up a wealth of sonic possibilities, but combined with the exciting control method, the Drone Jar becomes an inspiring and exploratory way to create music.

Though the Drone Jar is best suited to dark environments where light can be directed at the inputs, it also creates neat results outside in the sun. Check out the video demonstration, which uses a flashing bike light, to hear the endless potential of this little device!